Well-Known Member
Smoothies is the most awesome way to take kratom that I think I've tried. My buddies and I made these crazy smoothies with kratom, weed that we had vaped, fruit, fatty milk, and yogurt. They were awesome. The ABV added a very very potent buzz along with the kratom, but it was just. So nice. We all ended up falling asleep around 10:30, which never happens xD Here's the recipe for one person.
5 cups of FATTY milk into a pot
3 grams abv
10-20g kratom(depending on how much of a kratom you are.)
Let slow boil for 20 minutes
Strain, and add drugged milk into 3 scoops of ice cream and half of a yoplaite yogurt. Along with as much fruit as you want and I even added probably 2 tbs of sugar xD.
Haha the instructions are pretty holy. But you should get the point. Its awesome.
5 cups of FATTY milk into a pot
3 grams abv
10-20g kratom(depending on how much of a kratom you are.)
Let slow boil for 20 minutes
Strain, and add drugged milk into 3 scoops of ice cream and half of a yoplaite yogurt. Along with as much fruit as you want and I even added probably 2 tbs of sugar xD.
Haha the instructions are pretty holy. But you should get the point. Its awesome.