

Active Member
I've been enjoying kratom a lot lately, perhaps too often.
Amen...I don't even mind the taste of it in tea. You can't go wrong with a sampler pack to figure out your style. Picked up 5oz sampler. So far I like the Green Malay the best out of the batch. I'm still amazed at the pain relieving attributes of this herb. I feel like I'm on Hydros when drinking Kratom. Fun stuff indeed..


Active Member
I used to be really into kratom a couple years ago...back then most people I talked to had never even heard of it, and that's still mostly the case today, although I think it's gradually becoming more popular through online dealers. It's an amazing, potent herb... I'm still dumbfounded as to how it's completely flown under the radar for so long... but hey, I'm not complaining, haha :P

My advice... kratom is actually kinda expensive. If you try a sample pack and find you enjoy it... buy in bulk from then on (ounces or lbs instead of grams), you'll save quite a bit that way. Also, my personal experience is that kratom is best used sparingly... maybe 2 or 3 times a week at the most... any more and it seems like its effectiveness is diminished. You can build a tolerance quickly if you use it often.

I enjoyed it most using it as an occassional "change of pace" from my normal bud smoking... and it's perfect for that. It's also fantastic WITH bud too, but if I'm running low on my green, or I wanna conserve, I could simply have a little kratom and thoroughly enjoy the rest of my evening :D As everyone says, yes the taste is awful, but you get over it if you use it semi-regularly. I found that mixing it in ice cream or milk shakes almost completely masked the taste... chocolate syrup works wonders too ;)


Active Member
is kratom good when plugged? I know you like to shove things up your ass haddaway, does it work when plugged that way?


Well-Known Member
I have been taking a little bit of this stuff for the past few days. I haven't been feeling well, and it really takes away what pain I have had in my mouth/throat/jaw.


Well-Known Member
Kratom is one of the best anxiolytics I have had. Combines well with weed, gives you a nice cognitive boost and puts a sedated smile on your face if you hit the right dose. I use powdered Green Vein Kratom and Maeng Da, both of which are quite potent.


Well-Known Member
I might give this a try soon. I'm getting tired of eating so much plant material
Yea, I have ziplock bags filled with kratom in 000 capsules. Hardly ever use them though, only when I'm actually sick. I should get myself a more steady supply pharmaceutical opiates for those situations, but I make do. :D

But, I'd finally love to score some raw opium for more recreation purposes, it has been years now since I have had it. :(


Active Member
I use the size 0 capsules, and I can fit a bit over 9 grams into 24 capsules. My capsule machine fits 24, and it is more of a hassle to use less capsules. I don't want any pharmaceutical opiates around, because they are just too damn good :) I've seen too many friends fuck up their lives because of them. So i stick to kratom.

I might have gotten opium once, but I didn't feel any effects, which leads me to believe it was fake. But it smelled so amazing, not like any incense I've ever smelled. I think people pass off dragon's blood as opium... I'm not sure if they smell similar though...


Well-Known Member
Yea, my 000 capsules are pretty good. Only need 3-4 to start to feel it. I know what you mean about not wanting pharmacudical opiates around, but I already got some pretty nasty things in quantities that will put me 6 feet under with a stupid measurement miscalculation in my medicine cabinet. As I said, I am really only interested in them for when I am actually feeling ill.

I have heard of dragons blood incense bought at local headshops being sold as opium or hash. So that's probably what you got, but I have never seen it in person.


Well-Known Member
Lol, that sounds nasty.
I have a bottle filled with Valerian Root capsules that I think I bought from Target...
When I open that the caps smell so bad, I can't believe you add that in 3g to kratom for a juice.
Just sounds so gross, lol. But people like their own things..