Kryptonote 7 week strain 8 weeks in.

stickey your going to be blown away at their response to being tied down. word of caution tho if you tie too tight it will girdle the stem as it grows. i just untied some and a couple ties had grown into thr stem, hope they arent affected...
stickey your going to be blown away at their response to being tied down. word of caution tho if you tie too tight it will girdle the stem as it grows. i just untied some and a couple ties had grown into thr stem, hope they arent affected...

damn. i tied them pretty snug. i bet that will happen. will it affect anything ?
not really sure id error on the safe side n say yes, like i said i just transfered some n the ties had grew into the bark making removal impossable. to date i can see no change but def opened my eyes to a potential problem. i use those artsey pipe cleaner things you find at the dollar store to secure my branching. easy to secyre and redo if necesary. 50 or so 10''long are only a buck or so...
not really sure id error on the safe side n say yes, like i said i just transfered some n the ties had grew into the bark making removal impossable. to date i can see no change but def opened my eyes to a potential problem. i use those artsey pipe cleaner things you find at the dollar store to secure my branching. easy to secyre and redo if necesary. 50 or so 10''long are only a buck or so...

I use the roll of the twist tie stuff, it comes with a built in cutter, and it works great for EVERYTHING. I split a fimmed plant and twist tied it back together and then the stalk got huge and grew all the way around the twist tie, although im still a newborn, it was my best plant so far.
not really sure id error on the safe side n say yes, like i said i just transfered some n the ties had grew into the bark making removal impossable. to date i can see no change but def opened my eyes to a potential problem. i use those artsey pipe cleaner things you find at the dollar store to secure my branching. easy to secyre and redo if necesary. 50 or so 10''long are only a buck or so...

im using sum light string. i think it should be fine.
like you said norcal my plants look like they were begging for it. they love it.

yea i feel ya on the zone. if i start LST, im gone for hours lol and my shits 3 girls hahaha.

cant wait to see your girls now! keep an eye on them now though, you just opened a new can o worms haha they will get outa control if you dont watch em, and keep them scissors handy youll need em;)

so the next day or 2, when ever is good for you for the jugs. just give me a call or shoot a txt. i filled one up this morning for the flowers, oh and gave them 1/4 tsp of the stuff u gave me:)