Kryptonote 7 week strain 8 weeks in.

i still got HIGH hopes for ya dogg.i still think even if you get convictd for sure you wont see pen time.and if you to jail short short time.
im seeing it happen all the time here.esp the last couple weeks.

the District ATT. that I got is being a real dick.he hasnt even offered me a deal he just keep shooting down my deals and bringingmore evidence in and like trying to show me that he has me. its like he wants me to take hella years without a fight.
Hey man just keep stringing them out as long as you can everyday you make it take is money out of the states
Pocket and they will fold bro theres a deal out there! Just pro long! Tell me this whats your lawyer saying?
i have the best lawyer in my area. but the funny thing is it seems like hes on there side. i have had them before and he has got me great deals. it seems him and the da got sumthing going on. like a favor owed or sumthing. Im growing a light dedicated to my legal fees cause im shopping for a new lawyer
i have the best lawyer in my area. but the funny thing is it seems like hes on there side. i have had them before and he has got me great deals. it seems him and the da got sumthing going on. like a favor owed or sumthing. Im growing a light dedicated to my legal fees cause im shopping for a new lawyer

Sounds like a good idea those cock suckers do that shit you scratch my back il scratch your shit
damn stickey those look sweet, im 15 days into my kripto n they are showing well. hoping we have the same cut but i dont think so. will have to see as we get further into it all.
if you stick your nose right up to the flower does it have a friut smell?
had to go check lol it almost has no smell, tho it could just be me. the first smell i had granny smith green apples come to mind, not strong but just a hint, the second time maby a bit of kiwi. again very suttle. after that its just too hard to say for me.
had to go check lol it almost has no smell, tho it could just be me. the first smell i had granny smith green apples come to mind, not strong but just a hint, the second time maby a bit of kiwi. again very suttle. after that its just too hard to say for me.

if its the same by week 2 or 3 if you touch your nose to the flower it should smell like a kiwi is pretty acurate. 2 weeks in you can smell it but its faint. maybe you do have the same cut