Kryptonote 7 week strain 8 weeks in.

A strike from your childhood wtf

well i looked it up and in CA if you were 16 when you got the strike they can bring it up. i dont remember taking a strike. and if i did how come the last like 7 times i went to jail after that how come they never brought it up on those cases?
im done in cali. will be picking back up in portland 8x4 trays 70 plants a tray in one gallon pots 4 600s per tray co2 all 8 inch raptor hoods. im going to put a dent in the game up here. i will be running 3 strains brought from cali. green kush grand daddy purple and my favorit kryptonite
I got fam in oregon and the word there is its flood aswell as cali at harvest time, guess theres stiff competition

yeah but the out door bud fades out quicker. even in cali the out door season is gone by febuary and even in the middle of the thick of it if you got good indoor it will sell for a little cheaper. i have alot of family up here that smokes bud and they know alot of people even trail blazers. i just need to keep my qaulity one step up and keep clone only strains lol. anit nobody gettting a cut from me up here. ill pump out 10 pounds and sell zips for 150 and killem up here
and the beauty of it is allmost every house has a basment. and the basments look like they were made for it. 2 rooms a room on each side and far away enough that your veg room doesnt see your flower room. and there hudge. i love it
hey so how did court go?or are you still waiting.

i got pulled over a week ago with 10zips in my car. they took pictures of me with it. i told them if they let me go i would bring them everything i had. so they did i brought them a pound and a half to the station. put a couple ps to the side of coarse. but court is in a week. lets see what they have to say. im still fighting the strike they say i have which i think i dont
Happy thanksgiving sticky!!

happy thanks giving to you to! hey im going to start a thread before i go to jail to have people write me. i will have my girl sighn on and put my cell number and adress. even if people dont know me you can still write or send sum pictures just to piss off the gaurds and make them walk there fat asses to my cell with a stack of mail
want to give the guards some fun?catch a mouse/rat you know they r there,tie a kite sayn something stupid to the rat and let it go the guards will chase that thing around till they catch it just to find out it was