Kryptonote 7 week strain 8 weeks in.

been trimming all night now kinda lost track of time. last night I hired 4 people to trim and two of there girl friends trimmed for free so 6 people and me and its just so much weed on those plants. it looks like way more off the plant then it does on. I dont know what happened this crop but I have never yielded this much before
Your grow is awesome man. My Brother-in-law grew out some kryptonite and it was hitter, even ended up with a seed from them which is chilling in my fridge right now waiting to sprout. Can't wait to see what you yield.
when i trim for more then 5 hours at a time i call it "dungeonitis"...haha straight turn into a zombie

cant wait to see those pics
Finally got it all trimed up. It lost sum weight but over all it did pretty gud. 28 plants and got a little under 4 like 2 zips under
I still need to take sum pics. gotta go get a cord to upload them from the nikon to the comp. I had my boy take sum in to the club cause im on bail and cant go into the clubs and they were going to give him 3100 but half cash and half consighnmet so i didnt fuck with them. still debating if im going to grind this shit out on the streets for 200 or just dump all of it for 2800 a pound to get it out of sight and money in the bank before i keep buying shit. got a ps3 yesterday its sick wit it.
heres a couple pics of a little assortment. I like how it came out. It lost alot of wieght but I hit right around 4 pounds and I had 8 less plants than normal.


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