Kushberries and j 27 are starting to take off


Well-Known Member
Simply amazing i see how you did the raised beds. I take it all the dirt under the beds is great dirt and been worked for a few years? See something like this i would like to do and were i am at idk how good the soil is. So dont wanna roto till and dig for weeks and mix and dig and mix ya know?


Well-Known Member
right so i mean is the dirt under the wood level at its lowest worked and good soil? Because i know those roots are going down deeper than the raised part no?

They have to i mean they are huge lol. also what kinda soil and stuff did you use? Thanks a lot!


i used some potting soil mix from a local nursery mixed with chicken manure, blood meal, bone meal, perlite, and peat moss. at the bottom of each box were pieces of 2 stingrays, and 3 leopard sharks. the bottom was just loosened up about 4 inches, but it is much to hard to dig deeper.


Well-Known Member
wow you serious about the pieces of shark? just pieces of meat and skin? I never herd of that before. Hate to be 21 questions but high are these boxes? and wide? I wanna maybe do something like this for 2011 and get clones and try it like you did.


yup pieces of shark. i didnt want to catch little bait fish for fish emulsion so i went after the big boys. the boxes are 16 inches high, so not too big. soil is expensive but the bigger the better.


Well-Known Member
Pics of the fish pieces please. Or fill me in. Like just cut up pieces of shark bones meat and skin? If so thats awesome the bay has lots of sharks. But it sees like if the pieces were older than fresh cut then it would be better?


Pics of the fish pieces please. Or fill me in. Like just cut up pieces of shark bones meat and skin? If so thats awesome the bay has lots of sharks. But it sees like if the pieces were older than fresh cut then it would be better?
pieces of fresh whole shark and stingray. by the time the roots touched them they were decomposing.


It has been a while since my last post but the girls are 2 weeks into budding. the kushberries are close to 9ft tall after being lst'd at 4ft tall and being weaved through screens. the j27 and bagseed slowed their growth after the kushberries caught up. looking for some lbs.



New Member
dam bro there getting gorgeous cant people see the plants from the other side?
i hope not good luck