Kushcrossers rez-effect


Well-Known Member
they will start poppin out, but usually you get less fruits... but they are usually bigger. There should be alot of pins by tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
its sad how much weight they lose once they're dry but what can ya do..
17gs is nothing to frown at anyways so good job:hump:
how many flushes do you normally get in before its all over?


Well-Known Member
Ya 17 isn't too bad at all man. If you got that from 3 flushs, you'd be at that 2 oz mark you were looking for.


Well-Known Member
I probably wont get 2, but we will see. Normally they get contams on the 3rd flush. I get rid of boomers for 60 1/4 or 200oz....well, here is a couple pics, still only have pins on 1 corner of the tray, but that will change Im sure.



Well-Known Member
Hey Kush do you think if I took a couple fully colonized PF cake and broke it up and cased it in vermiculite that I would get results similar to yours.


Well-Known Member
Hey Kush do you think if I took a couple fully colonized PF cake and broke it up and cased it in vermiculite that I would get results similar to yours.
Kush suggested that I do that with some colonized cakes I had.
I broke up 4 cakes into a tray and cased with verm.
I cant tell you the results yet, but it should start pinning in a day or two
I'm excited to see what happens :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If this flush finishes, and doesn't do much, what re the odds of getting a third flush? How do you encourage them to do that?


Well-Known Member
I know you let them go longer then normal because you wanted prints. When they opened did spores get all over the surface of the myc? I've read that that will inhibit further flushes.


Well-Known Member
I know you let them go longer then normal because you wanted prints. When they opened did spores get all over the surface of the myc? I've read that that will inhibit further flushes.
yeah...there were spored on both of them, but I have never seen drastic results from the spores....I probably souuld uf put verm under the tray and moistened it when I re-cased. I think the problem is not enough moisture in the myc. The last flush sucked a TON of water out of the substrate.


Well-Known Member
So in that case you could lift the casing up and put verm underneath to moisten the whole casing all the way around? Can you do this when you are trying to get a third flush?