KushDesserts' Grow Journal - Dinafem Blue Widow


Well-Known Member
Yaaayoo, Sup, This is going to be my journal i dedicate to open criticisms and perhaps even some tips to make this harvest the best-

Light Source: 150 "HTG High Yield" 16.5k (16,500) lumen hps bulb

- Dirt: Fox Farm Ocean Forest

Ventilation: One fan (broken so no oscillation) but blows against a ball so it's buffed and air flow continues to plants (they do not bend back and forth but they do move so that's good for providing fresh air)

So Far about 3 weeks into growing, no Lst, but i am doing topping, so far i have eight shoots growing and i will top those once each so that will probably give me 16 shoots in all/colas.

As you can see, she is becoming thick and thicker which each three day passing, my temps and RH are all in the pictures, comment, tips, and all that is appreciated- after all if i just wanted a bland personal grow journal i'd just use a empty notebook pad.

Problems so far- They are an abundance of black/brown house flies in my basement, small/tiny spiders (i kill on sight, not taking chances) that walk by/around the area, and lastly the blue widow seems to be transpiring quite a bit recently, sides are fringing(slightly curling) so what i have done is rose the lights about 3-6 inches higher, and water often (every 2 days instead of 3-5, usually i wait til the surface of soil is semi crusty/dry)

I have also provided my grow room with a container half filled with water so humidity raises, helps little.




Well-Known Member
Now i have added all the following above in the new pictures- sprayed the room with water until RH reached 64+ (usually id 50+), water the plant more often (every 2 days starting now, instead of every 3-5) i usually let the top soil get dry/lil crusty before watering)

As for he house flies, i will have to do more research on/you guys can tell me what's the deal with those- as for spiders and shit, i spray my plant with water often and whip under the leave frequently so nothing gets by me >:)




Well-Known Member
Sups, I'm sure these spots are spider mites, i turn my leaves over and quicklyPhoto0639.jpgPhoto0638.jpg spot the eggs, today i will be washing them off with another soap & water treatment then probably follow up with a misting of alchy and water (home made bug killer)

i do believe she's about 3 weeks old/ maybe going into 4. :) going to veg until she' at least 14 inches :D


Well-Known Member

Loll, i think this is my fatest, thickest, blunt ever rolled- it last like a good 10-15 minutes walking :D


Well-Known Member
Yo- I had seemingly a mite problem, got rid of them lil fuggers (i'm sure they'll try to come back and i'll be prepared with the same if not much worse arsenal)

Anyway, i'm posting today to ask if the damage from that of the spider mite (even when no longer present) persist? does the leaf continue to wilt? does the damage worsen or get better? Or are the signs of worsening leaves meaning yellow/pale patches means it's in need of nutes, i don't think that's the case sense i feed every other watering at half str.



Yeeeeah- i have about 5 water res', so that my humidity is in the 70's- i came back one day, and it dropped to 49- so i had to add more resources and it went back up and stays at 70-72, the new growth isn't showing signs of mite damage which makes me think they're gone- i check daily and spray if i see one or eggs of any number- good i know- alright, :) byebye


Well-Known Member
That reminds me, i have fixed the transpiration problem my guess was the air around them was just to warm/hot- my guess was from a low humidity. :)


Well-Known Member
Everythings going fine, i'm glad to have found my (red slit on a trimer) off switch for my timer now i can flower without having the trouble of having to buy another timer (fucking annoying) anyway, this is me with my baby, she currently has 10 tops and everything is thick so i think that means ima get some monster buds ;D

Also i'd like to ad my canopy is 11 inches tall, waiting til 18 to flower- i had to tie down the fan leaves because it was just getting to thick and bushy, now everything is getting great light and will grow much much better:)




Well-Known Member
I've got a single Blus Widow feminized seed going that I got as a freebie from the "Tude. It has been in dirt for 58 days and is presently
close to 4-feet tall. I lit the seed at 20/4 for the first 31 days in dirt before switching to 12/12 3 1/2 weeks ago. NOTE -- I had to stake her a week ago
as she is already getting top heavy from the abundant nugs. I recomend using a tomato cage to support and protect the getting heavy side branches.
She has dozens of active growing points and I expect to cure 2 oz. from her. BONUS -- I've grown another strain real close to BW and can happily report that
a re-grow is in the cards too. I'll leave the 3 or 4 bottom branches intact when I harvest. Then 4 weeks at 20/4 to re-veg and ONLY 4 WEEKS! at 12/12 to re-flower.
Re-grow should produce 100-150% of the original harvest with many more, but smaller, nugs than the first harvest.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I've got a single Blus Widow feminized seed going that I got as a freebie from the "Tude. It has been in dirt for 58 days and is presently
close to 4-feet tall. I lit the seed at 20/4 for the first 31 days in dirt before switching to 12/12 3 1/2 weeks ago. NOTE -- I had to stake her a week ago
as she is already getting top heavy from the abundant nugs. I recomend using a tomato cage to support and protect the getting heavy side branches.
She has dozens of active growing points and I expect to cure 2 oz. from her. BONUS -- I've grown another strain real close to BW and can happily report that
a re-grow is in the cards too. I'll leave the 3 or 4 bottom branches intact when I harvest. Then 4 weeks at 20/4 to re-veg and ONLY 4 WEEKS! at 12/12 to re-flower.
Re-grow should produce 100-150% of the original harvest with many more, but smaller, nugs than the first harvest.

Good luck, BigSteve.
well i'm working with an 150 for now, but i will getting a 400 by next week, and the branches should begin to become much bigger, i'd say my stalk is almost an inch thick :D
i see heavy bud production from this blue widow as well as her growth is fast and big!
How far are you from harvest? I am in to see how it turns out, I just got one as my freebie not to long ago.... Btw, no disrespect, nice Pellet gun in that one pic ;-) I had the same one when I was about 14 I actually think I still have it in a box somewhere.


Well-Known Member
How far are you from harvest? I am in to see how it turns out, I just got one as my freebie not to long ago.... Btw, no disrespect, nice Pellet gun in that one pic ;-) I had the same one when I was about 14 I actually think I still have it in a box somewhere.
Haha, yeah yeah my old ass bbgun i was so gun-ho to get for my first one ever, yep, m1911a1:D, shot pretty decently and accurately- little did i remember i had a jamer stick (to fix a jam) but instead i broke it apart xD

Anyway, Yeah flowering is about at 4-5 weeks (really didn't pay attention to when i did but i just spotted my first turning red hairs on it, so it's getting close, there's about 30+ days left (55-65 days, im going for strong amber trichs, just ordered my jewelers loupe and other things, oh testers and ish) pictures are up! :D


Well-Known Member
Photo0076.jpgtotal was a little over half oz but this bud is great so far being picked daily out of jars :) a blunt has a brotha right. XD