KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow


Well-Known Member
You know I read a few things about autoflowers too, they all said they would grow and if they did they would just bud and die off like the mother plants. Well the monther plant is thirteen weeks old and hasn't finished flowering yet, and that little thing was planted outdoors a month ago. Of course she is nothing but bud pretty much and more dence than her mom.


Well-Known Member
This is now ....


Well-Known Member
Decided to germ 3 of those beans I got out of the romulan ...
They germed in about 12 hours and popped up out of the root shooters in another 24hrs
Loving the vigor on these babies so far.
I'll just throw them in the whatever area after they get acclimated to the weather. Not expecting much from them just experimenting with flowering from seed outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Stretch and flower is when I start to update more as well. :)

It's all looking good Kush. :) HAHA When you waved your hand over the top of the plants I was thinking jedi mind trick...

"You WILL be dank."


Well-Known Member
Black domina in the green pot

Sour d behind it.
3 of those are romulan seedlings
The other two are mystery seeds


Well-Known Member
hey kush. do you know if BT kills moths and butterflys or if it only kills the worms??

The moths and butterflies are no where near your plants so why would it kill them, it kills the caterpillars eating the leaves and or buds. In my experience it works a lot better when the caterpillars are young and hella small, once they get huge and are ravaging thru your crop they are harder to kill, thats when I start plucking them by hand. To get rid of moths and butterflies that lay the larvae get a bug zapper at home depot bro.


Well-Known Member
When is BT Most Effective?Because of the way that caterpillars grow, only the young caterpillars have gut linings thin enough for the BT toxin to punch holes in it. For gypsy moth, once the larvae have gotten larger than 5/8-inch long, they are rather difficult to kill with BT. Therefore, the best time to apply BT is after all the eggs have hatched and while the caterpillars are no larger than third instars. The third instar is the caterpillar stage that has molted two times after hatching. Third instar larvae are usually 1/2- to 5/8-inch long and still have black heads.

^^^^ this is basically what bud just said lol