KushxOj's Sour Diesel, Larry Og, & Black Domina Cfl grow.. Part 2

holy OHMYGOSH!!! Those plants friggen love you a WICKED LOT :)
Your doing GREAT things Kush....lovin my Larry girl :) And your new setup seems very functional. I love when I change things up for the better. The plants really seem to appreciate it after.

Unfortunately I am as far away from CA as you can be....I'm in VT...LOL!!! And I sure do wish we were closer cuz your gonna have some pretty amazing smoke there my friend. We will have to have a virtual smoke together...I still have some Ladybud left, and boy is she freaking amazing :) If we were close I would nicely ask you for a Larry clone and pollinate her with my Ladybud pollen and make some Lady Larry..HAHAHA!!!
Thanks everybody glad to have you all watching this grow.


Wow you are pretty far lol
That's why I like riu so much, you get to meet so many cool peeps from all over :)
Lmao @ "lady Larry" that would be pretty cool.
I just feel like Larry could have got a little more creative with naming this strain lol

I got some more pics coming in my next post !!
Black Dominas



Sour Diesel


Larry OG Kush


Group shot:
Sweetness ;) Love the pitty eyes.....gardening with Daddy, so cute!
The Black Dominas sure are frosty already....I have a feeling that's a good thing...LOL!
Getting to be a pretty jungle in there.....your gonna need bamboo to hold up all those ladybuds :)
Sweetness ;) Love the pitty eyes.....gardening with Daddy, so cute!
The Black Dominas sure are frosty already....I have a feeling that's a good thing...LOL!
Getting to be a pretty jungle in there.....your gonna need bamboo to hold up all those ladybuds :)

Got some bamboo in the back yard ready to go
Hopefully I get to use it.

This might sound crazy but I'm shooting for 2 zips per plant .
But I'll be happy with anything I get ;)

look better everyday
Thanks man slowly these little pistils are turning into little buds. It's pretty cool to watch .
Thanks man ,
I sure hope so, this black domina is really impressing me.
It practically is growing itself

Oh yea I got a sour d and a black domina in the ground !!
So I guess my outdoor has officially started
Should probably get a thread up soon :)
Meh.. Not sure how many are going to be doing good threads this season. With the site losing all that time and the constant downtimes it's tough for me to get back into sharing my grow. I would have had videos and shit done now but just not feeling it. Don't get me wrong. I will be posting pics but nothing as detailed as I thought originally.
Yeah I mainly share my grow so I can go back and look in on what I was doing.
That crash did suck pretty bad. Thats why riu doesn't host my images anymore. I post them through photobucket now so ill always have them.
Riu needs to get it together, this site goes down more than a $2 street hooker on the first of the month *in my krazy bone voice*
LOL So true! Once things take off I MIGHT do a video like last season with music and all. :) Keep posting little update though man. I will be posting something up after celebrating 4/20. :)
Nice , you know ill be following
Do you know if doublejj will be doing a journal this season ?
His pics are always epic
betcha it smelled reeeal good at Kush's crib after taking those babies out for a photo shoot :)
Looks like you flowered at just the right time. Your Sour D leaves look nice and shiny :)