L.A. KUSH's Chronic Plants


Active Member
Whad up my fellow Budda Lovers

this is just a simple grow log where I hope I can get some questions answered.


started with 5 marijuana/cannabis seeds from your average dub sack of some stinky ass chron (Aprox 2nd week of Feb.)

Soil: Using some random soil that I stole from my grandma's plants. It is rich, dark, and moist.

Lighting: It can't get anymore Natural than the Sun.

Location of Plants: I have the plants sitting on the window seal in my room.

Medium: I started with empty sour cream containers/Cups for all plants.
3 of the plants are now in
7 inch round Pots.

Today 2 of my plants revealed their sex overnight. One is a beautiful female, and the other is a male wit big cajones

that leaves 4 plants excluding the male.


How long will the plant take to flower from the time it reveals its sex?

So There is absolutely NO USE for the male? (cuz i don't want any seeds)

Having a problem with two of the plants.
One of the plants that live in the sour cream container isn't growing as fast as it's sisters/brother. More info here.

the other plant I'm having a problem with
is the only plant with little bite marks everywhere. I did a close inspection of the plant, I found and destroyed 2 little itsy bitsey tiny winey red bugs
damn, these bugs are fuckin up my plant,
does anyone have some kind of Home made anti-bug recipe???

also I started to notice that little baby green plants are growing out of the soil of two of the plants. this is impossible becuase I only used one seed for each!
anyone know what is the meaning of this phenomenon?...lol




Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
get the females outside as it wont give you shit in a window, the male is good for pollen or making hash. All those little plants come from shit that was in the soil you stole, same for the bugs. Do a search for home made pesticide, i love to use neem oil during veg phase for my outdoor girls. Get your shit together and your plants will show love back and get you really stoned when you cut em down!!


Active Member
Thanks for the Neem Oil advice Mr. Bitti, I'll get that as soon as I get some Cheddah in my pocket
Today I got pots and soil for all my plants. It turns out that Home Depot had Bags of Soil and Plants in the front, all for free! :p

I also got some plant food "Jobe's Crystals"
I should be good from here on.
I found a great website on Homemade Organic Pesticides


hopefully the bug problem will be gone.


Active Member
couple weeks ago...

Today 4/22/09:

two weeks ag, the neighbors snithced to my grandama that they saw what looked to be like a marijuana plant on my window
my grandma confronted me about it, and luckily i had a male plant. I killed it in front of her and told her it will never happen again.
that was close.
also, havin these plants is risky cuz my PO can come search my room anytime, I'm just going to pray she never does


Active Member
you're going top have to help me on this Grow Box, cuz I don't know what that is.
In my current situation, the window is the only place I could grow.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
you basically can build one out of a old cabinet or something you find laying around. The idea is to mount your lights in there and setup an intake/exhaust system probably using pc fans, i used scythe 133 cfm fans they work great. Anyway it takes some work but your plants will love it and it will produce good bud for you year round unlike the window. Heres an extremely helpful link for DIY everything u need in a grow box


hope this helps man you wont regret making the investment, and if you have cash and wanna make it simple, buy a grow tent from htgsupply.com. it will make it much easier on you and take less time but will cost 100-200 depending on size


Active Member
thanks man, I'ma save up some money so I can afford this
I should be able to get all this in two weeks
heres another pic of my plants (sorry for the quality i'm a poor ass motherfucker)


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
yea i mean, just save it up man if you get a setup you will get the bud almost free after that. its all about learning to keep a good grow are and using the right nutes. i started with a few cfls to veg some girls and slowly built up to two 150w hps. every few weeks id get something to make my room better. i even got a dehumidifier now. it gets pretty addictive


Active Member
just got arrested today, it was bullshit
they did a search on my room
and found my weeeeeeeeeeed

luckily, i took the plant to a friends house 2 days ago, so the plants are safe.

and also thank God they didn't find the bag of Dubs I had thrown out my window seconds before

life sucks

what ever fuck the law, i got my weed back and I am breaking bud on my arrest paper cuz I'm about to roll a big fat blunt to rethink my life....


Well-Known Member
just got arrested today, it was bullshit
they did a search on my room
and found my weeeeeeeeeeed

luckily, i took the plant to a friends house 2 days ago, so the plants are safe.

and also thank God they didn't find the bag of Dubs I had thrown out my window seconds before

life sucks

what ever fuck the law, i got my weed back and I am breaking bud on my arrest paper cuz I'm about to roll a big fat blunt to rethink my life....
sorry bro,
i say move and set you up 4-600s.youll feel better.ns grow man. did you grow that plant in your avitar?