l.e.d. lighting...?


New Member
I have led and still ended up with HID.... NO heat from leds is true but what about raising your grow room temp good luck with leds... U will need a heat source!!!


New Member
well comparing LED to mh/ hps

90 3" clones 5000watts veg 23 days ended up being 43" tall 11 days in flower 8000 watts 48"+tall MH and HPS hordilux superblue
total cost 3500 for lighting what would 8000 watt led cost and would they be comparible and could you grow 90 plants with it


New Member
Now-a-days the diode technology has been improved so we can produce high power LED lamps whose intensity is higher. The commercially used LED lamp of 100 watt emits 7527 lumens, 7.527 lm/W (unit of intensity of light) which are brighter than incandescent lamps. The LED lights are replaceable with the conventional compact fluorescent & incandescent lamps. But there is a little problem in this replacement. The problem is that the diodes work only with direct current (DC). So we have to keep in mind that the LED lights do not withstand with AC. This purpose can be served by using a rectifier circuit internally. At a high temperature LED lights break down so it is important to include heat sinks or cooling fans in LED lights to ensure better performance as well as longevity. The initial cost of LED lamp is very high compare to fluorescent lamps or incandescent lamps. These lamps offer 30,000 hours of lifetime which is highest among incandescent lamps which offers 1,000 hours and compact fluorescent lamp which offers 8,000 hours of lifetime. These lamps can last up to 25-30 years approximately. Throughout its lifetime the LED lights offers brightest illumination among any other conventional lights present in market. These lights are mercury free and available in various colors. As the lamps are mercury free so ultraviolet can not be generated from these lamps.

The commercially used LED lamp of 100 watt emits 7527 lumens times that by 10 for 1000 watts = 75270 lumens wow huh
and what does a hordilux HPS produce 145,000​


New Member
Hps wins lol?
shall i say anymore :)) ok i will how many LED growers will Add HPS in flowering stage with there LED and why is that :)) could it be LED is just weak period i would say so what good is a light if it can;t complete a job


Well-Known Member
don't get the 150 w hps. everything under 600 for hps, sucks ass, IMO. If you want to get a good LED, try blackstar. the only one that I have tried and really, really works good. they have a 600 watt LED panel made of 300 LEDS at 2 watts each. Good luck
ok so i have been wanting to get some led set up goin for my plant and i know there really expencive, i only have 1 marijuana plant growing at a time because of space but it seems to be doin good but i think it could do better of course, is it to much of a hassel to make an led light pannel and if so ill just buy 1 or somethin but another question is if i buy one what type of led and what brand along with what whattage, again i only have 1 plant and the space its in is 4x3x3 so its not to big of a space, if someone could help me decide what i should do plz let me know =] ty, and if led is just junk im thinkin about a 150 hps cuz its such a small space ya know, itll just get really hot, and i do not have a fan for my grow spot either thats another reason im thinkin led but again let me know thanks for the help =] bongsmilie


New Member
The way i honestly look at is this way throw in as many as you can and let them go selective cut once tope are done and in 2 weeks you got another batch :)) with LED you limited to growing they just dont got the power like hps does they just dont sure some previous hps growers slided to led side but really when you want yields its HPS Period i get min 1160 dry grams per 1000 watt area sure LED is good for them closet growers that dont have room and or worried about power hell when i am fully powered up i run well over 17 thousands watts under 220 which in reality costs per yield are fck all think about it for a second 1160 per 1000 watt x 12 is 13920 dry grams divide that by 454 = what 30 pounds yea baby it all comes down to this



Sector 5 Moderator
I have 4 LED panels, two blue and two red. I've done a couple of grows and they love the blue for vegging but I was very disappointed in the flowering. Maybe if I had a really expensive one it would change my mind but at this point I'm not willing to go down that road again. I paid nearly $500 for my first two panels several years ago. I could have and should have bought two 1,000w HPS's for that.


Sector 5 Moderator
They loved the LEDs in veg. They grew fast and, most of all, the internodes were very tight. The painful part for me is that from now on I won't be vegging. As soon as my clones get on their own two feet they are going right into 12/12. For vegging, comparing 400w of LED's to a 400w HID would be a blowout for the LEDs; but vegging isn't where the money is.


Sector 5 Moderator
I guess I should have mentioned that I only used them on autos, seedlings and clones. The autos and seedlings grew fast under the LED's - not to be confused with height; I didn't want them tall; I wanted them to be very bushy and squat.


New Member
I guess I should have mentioned that I only used them on autos, seedlings and clones. The autos and seedlings grew fast under the LED's - not to be confused with height; I didn't want them tall; I wanted them to be very bushy and squat.
lol i here you like these



Active Member
I wouldn't listen to all the led haters on here, do your research and you'll find that leds have came a long way in the last couple of years. I'm currently using 2 panels with a total of 600 watts power consumption. Flowering pineapple chunk and my buds are big. Many led panels are hitting over the 1g/watt. So do your research and make up your own mind


Well-Known Member
first off thats great your likeing LED
i see you ran 400 watters theres no comparison 400 watter just plane suck @ss Period its like watching paint dry growing with them
you mentioned comparable in yields so you got better yields with your LED and what did you add in flowering to make it happen a HPS by chance :))
Just LED, the lumens you're talking about are lumens targeted at the plants peak wavelengths for photosynthesis absorbtion. You won't find lumens like that on a hps or cfl


Extra equipment they don't need with LED lighting.
Don't make uniformed decisions fueled by teen wanna be growers.
Take a look at my LED grow and you'll see.
Ppl who bash technology they have no knowledge of should not pretend to know the difference.
If ya need more leads pm me I'll link you to some stuff you should see.
Funny how guys come in, sling shit and leave in a hurry. No refs. No science. Just shit. Oh the mortification.
i would like to here what ur sayin u make ur self sound like u know what should be done, and that would prob narrow down what i would be happy with using =]


Well-Known Member
I personally would only use LEDs if Space was an issue & your intentions on the grow. If it is a hobby you would like to get serious with & have an option of getting a larger space if things are going well I would go with HPS / MH. If you just want to grow a plant or two for the LONG RUN, maybe LEDS? But I assure you it gets addictive, once you have 1 plant rdy to harvest you want more.. and more.. and bigger plants. It is quite fun.

So that is my decision, HPS preferably a 600w digital one cause you could always use 360w or 400w along w/ 600w in the same ballast.. with the same bulb if it is a 600w. ^_^ Plus, going bigger is always better if there is any chance you will expand your grow, because you dont wanna spend 600 bucks on some LEDs then later decide you wanna do it bigger in a larger space.


Well-Known Member
Raw Budz is right it does depend on the size and needs of your garden. Since I can only grow 4 plants in my state (5 being a felony) I keep it a simple hobby grow and for me & my garden leds make great sense. If I were a large commercial grow or even a larger home operation it might not. For what I'm currently able to keep by law having 560w of led split into four different panels, one over each plant is kicking plenty of ass. This opposed to my old set up of 2 400w air cooled hps, plus cfl side lighting (1200w plus). Yields have not suffered, quality has increased due to heat nolonger being a factor in my grow room.