La Confidential grow SOG


Update when you get things going i would like to see it and remember cut out the middle of the bottom and put the screen in there.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Haha right on! I'll be sure to get pics up! I got my laptop fixed so now it's just a matter of time for these girls go start doing there thing! And I'm changing out my Plantmax bulb with a Hortilux. So I hope that makes a difference too. I think vegging with the HPS also made a difference La Con is a slow veg and I'm getting about a new set of leaves everyday or day and a half maybe it just seems faster. Haha! So hopefully in no time we will get this thing going. I'm looking forward to this grow!


It depends on the strain but they all get between 15-20 grams, they also stretch 3x so i let them veg till 8-10" and flip them.


Active Member
Hey everyone. I have another question. Does brand of bulb make a huge difference? I'm running a Plantmax now but was thinking about going to a Hortilux. What's your opinions on that?


Its coming along.... your going to have alot of people chiming in as soon as you start flowering dont worry bout the replies now i see you bra.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Hey guys! I just wanted to give you a quick update. Now that I got all the bugs worked out stuff is really kicking!! There is less than an inch between every node and it's kinda covering up the branches I'll try tucking the fan leaves when the branches get big enough. Also I'm going to be topping the girls maybe today I think. I have to keep there height down specially at this rate of growth. I've had a few problems along the way but high PH, heat stress with the HPS, cold temps at night when lights are off, and that's about it. But I have everything worked out and when I checked then this morning stuff was really popping! So before long I'll be taking clones! And great news I found a few spots where they sell Fox Farm so finally can get rid of the Miracle Gro.


Glad you got all the problems handled, good look on the ffof youll plants will be happy. Earlier in the thread I told you i dont mix lime with my dirt but of course I see little ph dots on my leaves and lockout on 1 of my strains:fire: So from now on lime that shit before you flower


When your ph starts to get out of wack these little brown or yellow dots appear on some of the leaves.....bugs on some mugs but none on me.........:bigjoint:


Active Member
IMG_0030.jpgHey whats up skunkers ill deff b tooning in for this grow. I am also growing LA Confidential 2 of them to b exact along with 1 fem Connie Chung. Please stop by if u have some time in the mean time i hope u dont mind if i post a pick of my LA And Connie there about 35 days in. hope u like.

My Thread is called On The Rise check it out.


Active Member
Very nice guys. How old are those plants Jaxson? Hopefully this Sunday I'll be about ready to take clones. The girls are looking beautiful. They have really changed since the last 5 pics. I'll post some pics before and after cloning. The fan leaves are massive on these plants I have. Is it the same for you guys?