I think that only applies to natural hermieing, such as when the plant is is flower and it develops nanners near the end. If it herms due to stress that's something entirely different.
Yea those are calyx like the people in your thread said. Males look a lot difference.Well i thought i had the natural hermieing because i was already late in my flower but one user on a different site told me those parts were natural. If you would like to see there are pics in my thread on my sig.
808, since this is your first time doing auto's I want to make you aware that there is a some controversy out there about topping and super-cropping auto's. Some think that because their lives are on a distinct timeline (instead of photo-driven), you never really regain the positive effects of it and actually loose yield. Do a search "topping auto's" here in Rollitup or even Google. However I think you are fine, LaDiva is a different auto in some respects. My LA Diva bushed out like crazy without any topping whatsoever, I think I had 7 finishing cola's as a matter of fact instead of one main one you see on most autos. The longer 70 day seed to finish is a plus in your case....here is a pic of mine when it was at the ~4-5 week range....you literally can't see through it...it was so thick I wondered how the light got to the inner leaves...they stayed green through the entire grow...
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Hey 808, First off congrats on your first auto grow and everything is looking good including your "topped" one. The only question i have is your dating from when they sprouted out of soil or when you transplanted after tap roots.
i wish i saw your thread alot earlier. Im doing a la diva grow myself and im about 20 days ahead of you although i have now germinated 2 more seeds so i have one about 45 days one about 35 and two that are like 4 days old. Look at my sig it has my thread u can take a look. The one thing that really blows is how much bigger everyone's La Diva's are. my first and oldest is such a shrimp was only like 6 inchs tall. started out CFL and turned outdoor for flowering. Dont mean to hijack your thread but you might see something intresting in my thread. Im also thinking of taking the oldest out in a week. This morning to top it all off i may have found balls on my ladies or it might not be since ive seen some red hairs coming out a couple of them.