Hey 808. I decided that I missed the boat on LSTing my La Musa. She is flowering and doing well. While tucking a big fan leaf, I accidentally popped it off. I read a very spirited debate on this very forum on that issue of trimming fan leaves and what I came away with was that about 50% of growers think that trimming fan leaves harms the yield and base that on the science of photosynthesis (Leaf capturing light, converting into sugar/energy for plant), while the other 50% think it has little effect on yield and some even argue that for indoor grows with not a lot of space, trimming fan leaves has increased yield due to light penetration and air circulation. While it was very educational, it was also one of the most ridiculous threads I ever read. Nobody on either side was listening to what the other side had to say...it was the message board equivalent of everyone trying to out-shout their some even posted links to grows that were highly successful trimming and those on the other side just ignored those posts like they were never made. Similar thing with those on the pro-trimming fan leaves side of the debate.
Anyway, I say all that because I am wondering aloud whether or not I should take off some lower branch growth to promote the plant focusing its energies elsewhere in the plant. With your standard photo-period plant, there is plenty of time to lollipop and trim lower growth to maximize the yield. With you LSTing it's probably not an issue for you but wondering if you have any thoughts.