LA Medical Cannibus Cup Feb 16-17

For the second time in two weeks, the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup has been forced to change its location. The event will now take place at the National Orange Show Events Center in San Bernardino. It was first scheduled at L.A. Center Studios, then at Glendale Studios, but local opposition to the event on the part of LAPD, has been insurmountable, despite the fact that HIGH TIMES mounted the exact same event successfully last year with the knowledge and cooperation of LAPD.

"We understand how inconvenient this change in venue will be for vendors and attendees," says Dan Skye, editorial director of HIGH TIMES. "I can assure you that we're just as disappointed and dismayed that the Cup, which is a legal event attended by responsible adults, is prohibited on a whim."

Nothing but the location has changed. The new location, located at Gate #10 on Arrowhead Avenue, offers a spacious outdoor medication area and a comfortable indoor lounge where attendees can relax or attend several seminars taking place throughout this weekend. On Saturday, Feb. 16, The Game and Redman will perform and on Sunday night, Feb. 17, HIGH TIMES awards the Medical Cannabis Cups for the top cannabis products of Southern California. Plus, HIGH TIMES bestows its Lifetime Achievement Award upon comedy legend Tommy Chong!

"We want the cannabis community to know that we plan to make this event a terrific experience for everyone," Skye says. "Our community has become accustomed to this type of mindless harassment -- and it's never stopped us before. We want everyone to know that HIGH TIMES is not diminished or deterred in the least from continuing our pursuit of legal cannabis. We hope to see everyone come out this weekend."
I went to the CypressHill Smokeout 2012 at the Orange Show and it was crazy good! It killed the Cup! Korn was there! It was awesome and I hope they have it again this year!
Sucks i just had to rebook my hotel from L.A. closer to the new spot.. actually made out a bit cheaper. not too upset. hope it still turns out good
I might have gone if it had stayed in LA County. Nothing against Berdoo, it's just too far for me to drive. LAPD should get a life.
Im curious to see how many people will actually attend with all these last minute changes. I mean come on how many stoners are as dedicated as us in RIU to keep up with these changes.

Um im happy that it will prob thin out the crowd a bit :)?

Im pissed this fucking thing moved two other times. I am sure the LAPD pushed to dump this because of overtime from Dorner ....
Sooooo... any way for everyone to meet up if anyone wants to? I am a bit leary about handing out my cell phone number. But I will be in jeans, black t shirt, possibly a black Hawaiian shirt. Long hair, short guy.
Stand by the gray stone where the thrush knocks, and the last light of the setting sun will shine upon the keyhole.

Party at the TGA booth (with freebies). i'm just sayin.
I'm up! Having coffee, giving my sharing stash a little extra fine manicure. I think I will be hitting up the TGA booth first. I want one of those Sons of Dank shirts. And hits and dabs of course... lots of hits and dabs!

I hear 710 club (dispensary) are giving out dabs today. Supposed to be good wax.
I will be there. I will be the black guy in a Weed Nerd shirt and beanie. Holler at me if you see me. I'll have some of my Morango Haze I'll be sharing.
Can anyone who went to the event today tell me what CC and TGA are offering at the cup? I'm thinking about heading back to pick up some more things along with some sin city seeds.
did you stop by the tga booth? wonder if i saw you on their live cam. they were giving away freebies didn't you get any?

looked pretty cool to me $35 is a bit much but that's one meal for two eating out a lot of places so it's not like it's crazy expensive. it'd be worth it for me if i was a local just for the tga freebies and kickin it at their booth for a while plus seeing all the other stuff there. I'll bet if I flew/drove in from out of state like some people did they might be let down though :) it'd be worth it for the musical performances and tommy chong stuff tomorrow too if you're into that.

you're jaded dude... a big weed swap meet sounds like heaven to me not even an option here :) I bet HT made out like bandits