Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
So does this mean we get a dirtier April for 7 days???? Crosses fingers
I`m always myself, crypt or no crypt, people forget we are 2 people living worlds apart ;)

Can i smear u in chocolate pudding, tie u up and slap u around ;) is that dirty enough, wait i can add cookie crumble :)



Active Member
I`m always myself, crypt or no crypt, people forget we are 2 people living worlds apart ;)

Can i smear u in chocolate pudding, tie u up and slap u around ;) is that dirty enough, wait i can add cookie crumble :)

Girl I just ate a couple mushies and been smoking all day, id eat you up till you squirm to get away and then it really
Be on cause good luck knocking it down