Well-Known Member
I'm bisexual... I actually think all the girls on this forum have openly perved on another X3
yup spend most of my time in the woods, who the fuck am I kidding I live in the woods, heat with wood, build with wood and have no problem getting wood so yup that be me, woodsmaneh! the cowboy I would so do your av, but I would have to pay her, that way I can tell here when to leave LOL Dam I think I am going to have some great dreams tonight, thinking about April sigh with puppy dog look, and xK getting together to cook for each other and make panty bombs, OK you Vamps hit me with your best shot, if I catch them in my teeth you lose 1 piece of clothing, I hope this takes some time, everything taste better when you work of it. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink
Peace and positive vibes your way
Teeth heck ... catch'em on youryup spend most of my time in the woods, who the fuck am I kidding I live in the woods, heat with wood, build with wood and have no problem getting wood so yup that be me, woodsmaneh! the cowboy I would so do your av, but I would have to pay her, that way I can tell here when to leave LOL Dam I think I am going to have some great dreams tonight, thinking about April sigh with puppy dog look, and xK getting together to cook for each other and make panty bombs, OK you Vamps hit me with your best shot, if I catch them in my teeth you lose 1 piece of clothing, I hope this takes some time, everything taste better when you work of it. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink
Peace and positive vibes your way
lol have i?I'm bisexual... I actually think all the girls on this forum have openly perved on another X3
No pix did not happen, I love thongs when they peek out, or the VPL's or on the line, or well just about anywhere but on me.I got a new onesie today.
I went to the kid's section like I knew I should and found the kid's sizes are half price >:3
However, they are still a bit too big lol
I also got a new bra and panty set, and a RIDICULOUS pink and black thong. It is ridiculous by my standards; pink sparkly frilly trim, big pink polka dot bows, they are translucent and say 'kiss me' on the front. 0_O But they made me laugh and they were on special offer so...
I will post a picture of the onesie once my phone has charged and I've had some more Kush. I am definitely won over as a kush fan.
Okay, here's the ridiculous panties I was speaking of earlier-The trim is even a little iridescent. I like bows, but these are... Well... 0_o
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New bra and panty set. Simple, but pretty and a change from ladder lace. April, what is the best way to keep white undies super white. In real life it's pretty bright white.
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And some stirrup socks I might wear as extra ankle support over my ballet shoes. Only $2.00 ^^
Anyone got anytthing to show me? :3
Oh ya oxy clean does work very well!!! I have a jar of the powder u mix in, i use it to clean my washerThankies April ^^
I'm not so worried about stains. I'm very fussy about cleaning. Not so much tidiness, but I like things clean. It's just white doesn't stay so brilliant after a few washesit kid of goes gray... I was thinking of trying one of those Oxy cleaning things with the bubbles and stuff.
It's a bit ridiculous in the midst of everything going on in life, I am worried about the whiteness of white underwear that no one will ever see besides here 0_o
Oh well, I might make a good chambermaid one day...
You'll probably laugh your ass off when you see the pink bow panties. They are OTT even for me XP
I could only grow and read books so long without a lady friend to keep me company....LOL i lived without Tv or internet for 6 months a few yrs ago