Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Carne, you're too good to me *kisses on the cheek* Need to sort my skin out though XP

Yay, i get to see Urca gracing my screen once more <3

Pleasepleaseplease seriously try the 50's pinup thing? You so have the face for it x I wanna see.
like just makeup wise? I can do that, but I dont have any clothes for it


This whole thread seems to be ballin out of control. everytime i get one here its another 10+ pages. The girls really lit this one on fire.


Well-Known Member
I have a pretty unmistakable face, you'd know right away that its not me, if you compared it to all my other pictures. So im gonna go wash my hair, braid it to the side, and try to give you your pin up makeup