Lace and Frills <3


RIU Bulldog
heh... a little of column A, and a little of column B. strong wills tend to clash. the nail marks will heal..

a flower for the ladies. rize up!
Is that plushberry? Very....erect...
I think Freud might have something to say about that...
'when is a cola, just a cola?'

Matt Rize

Is that plushberry? Very....erect...
I think Freud might have something to say about that...
'when is a cola, just a cola?'
funny thing is I kept trying to pull these colas over to grow horizontal, but they just kept rizing up. like an uncontrollable attraction to the light. its called phototrophism, but I call it plant love!
those trichomes are about to explode, just sayin'


Pickle Queen
Is that plushberry? Very....erect...
I think Freud might have something to say about that...
'when is a cola, just a cola?'
Well he did plaster my recent private photo shot for him all over his grow room walls, what do u expect, lol imagine how erect Matt's flower is ;)


Pickle Queen
Pshhhhhh, there was a time that I was 5' 10" 119 pounds.

Try to beat that Miss Thannng.
Eww heroin chic is so last week ;) lol wft buddy why??? eww men should have love handles not poking ribs
No thanks i prefer my men chizzled and fuzzy if i wanted to fuck a skeleton with barely any body hair i could have :)


Well-Known Member
Eww heroin chic is so last week ;) lol wft buddy why??? eww men should have love handles not poking ribs
No thanks i prefer my men chizzled and fuzzy if i wanted to fuck a skeleton with barely any body hair i could have :)
Anorexia fucked my shit up.. lol.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
(hey i'm not the one that lied :()
Yes you did and I forgive you. :) Things happen for a reason indeed. I trust what you say and I'm glad you didn't turn around and get into it with Ice Hash maker. :p The last thing you need is for your 'man' to see you flirting with him online. But that's none of my business, perhaps it never was.

Je n'aime que toi pour toujours.

Laissant, stade de la gauche.


Active Member
Yeah as a shopping buddy, or for fashion advice and redecorating. Never for romance. woe is me.
Maybe so but your the one invited to sleep overs, pillofights with hotties in panties, and wasn't someone gonna slinshot their panties in your face?
I still say your the lucky guy on this thread lol