Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
PLease do not post pictures of ex's or friends and family without their consent, sorry but they will be removed for their privacy :)

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well shit i cant see them?? im out i shoot a lil bit of skinn n i get introuble my mom wanting to post on hear see what u did!!!!! MOM STOP PLEASE NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOU please .... man im out my mom keeps tring to post..


Pickle Queen
This was not suppose to be a thread about panty shots, to me lace and frills is so much more than having the members of this site know what my entire panty collection looks like. I think i'm just gonna stick to modding this thread from now on :(


Well-Known Member
Oh my god... What happened while I was away?

Thump Easy, we don't need sexy or nude pics from you, we want to see cool clothes shown off. If my girl boxers prompted this, then I'm sorry everyone. I just wanted a little fun for Cannabineer and RyantheRhino, not a massacre...

I didn't see but I hope no one is posting pictures of someone in a compromising position without their permission or to spite them. That's kind of... sick.

And I wanted to come and announce happily a new girl on VF has just added me. She is stunning and I'm flattered just by the fact she thinks I'm worth her time, so that made me feel nice.

Sorry if I fucked it up again...


thump easy

Well-Known Member
well as i recall i was invited buy you xkuroi Taimax but im sorry no faces were shown except the one i got know she aint worried about pantie shots just like u aint the diffrence is well it get turned around im sorry just like my layer put it if you go around selling sex on the corner your a prostitute but if your in a porno you r a profesional the diffrence is well i didnt get what he was saying he had to tell me in this fashion if you sell weed your a drug dealer but if you facilitate a medicine and a transaction to renburt the farmer for his tym expenses n labor than you are a care taker the diffrence is i still wasnt shure were he was going with that but im the bad guy in this form sorry ill be heading out how can i deleat all my post?