Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
My kind of girl :3 *wagwag*

We'll go for long walks in the park in the summer, chase small animals and whip our tails like we know we're hot bitches


Well-Known Member
wow lucky, I used to live in vegas, summers there are regulary 120 F out there.
That would be a great summer, 80 degrees out, green lush stuff cause it rains like a mofo there

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Do you? Let's see!

I like to wear actual man boxers sometimes, as well as the girl boxers.

Happy Birthday, Shan-Shan <3 I'm going to have to get the camera out for you...
Don't get your camera out for me... All I wanted was a happy birthday from you... And I got it...

Mission Complete...


Well-Known Member
Hmm... Most of the guys in this thread have been following it for awhile and gotten to know me... Find 3 images of things I like that fit this thread and we'll see x

If he gets a picture, so does Shan-Shan x



Well-Known Member
The Big V day is coming so let me be the first to just say.....

[h=1]The Amorous Cannibal

Suppose I were to eat you
I should probably begin
with the fingers, the cheeks and the breasts
yet all of you would tempt me,
so powerfully spicy
as to discompose my choice.

While I gobbled you up
delicacy by tidbit
I should lay the little bones
ever so gently round my plate
and caress the bigger bones
like ivory talismans.

When I had quite devoured the edible you
(your tongue informing my voice-box)
I would wake in the groin of night
to feel, ever so slowly,
your plangent, ravishing ghost
munching my fingers and toes.

Here, with an awkward, delicate gesture
someone slides out his heart
and offers it on a spoon,
garnished with adjectives.




Well-Known Member
Ok... The yukata isn't matt cotton, with a real obi (it's padded and velcro tied), wrapped correctly (that is how you dress the dead) and the print is a but unusual but I like the fact it's furisode. The second one is sexy but tasteful. Not so sure about the last one but you've shown you paid attention to my words as well as pictures. Passed, but you have to wait 'til later... Thankyou for the poetry, woodsmaneh <3

Dizzle, that's a hair bow, but you can get large bows that are made to button/safety pin onto dresses. You can wear them on the front or back (lolita, NOT the yukata/kimono!!) or both. I have a dress with small bows down the front and on the waist but with a sash that ties into a huge bow at the back.

buddha webb

New Member
Im wearing a leopard print body suit today.....i look great!with bows and frills to match!!

2moro i dress as a Zebra,,coz i love Zebra!

Monday...i dress as a spaniel dog,,not sure which one yet,,many spaniels to choose!