Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Not to mention the 3 hour journey I had to make when the trains were down because of snow, when he didn't have the balls to face his ex girlfriend by himself. He insisted he needed moral support.


Active Member
now thats funny!!

get a grip girl..
As I've spoken about over the course of this thread, I'm very much in love with this guy I live with. He's known for about 3 years. He reels me in close like he's going to ask me out them promptly dates one of my friends instead and does nothing but complain about it. I do make it clearly known when I like someone, and I have kicked his ass when he's been rude and generally acting like a dick. I keep getting strung along by guys who then say thanks but no thanks, want to be friends with benefits but them getting all the benefits or just flat out reject me. What I do not understand is why they call me at 3 am crying about how much their bitchy girlfriend is driving them nuts and they with they were like me, telling me how much they love me and don't date me. They still want me close though. T-bird, the guy I love grabbed my arm when I wanted to leave the house- I said I couldn't cope with being so close to him and being expected to do all the girlfriend shit if he didn't want me like that. He pulled me into his lap and cried with his arms around me for 45 minutes.

2 weeks later his new girlfriend moves into our bedroom... -_-


New Member
As I've spoken about over the course of this thread, I'm very much in love with this guy I live with. He's known for about 3 years. He reels me in close like he's going to ask me out them promptly dates one of my friends instead and does nothing but complain about it. I do make it clearly known when I like someone, and I have kicked his ass when he's been rude and generally acting like a dick. I keep getting strung along by guys who then say thanks but no thanks, want to be friends with benefits but them getting all the benefits or just flat out reject me. What I do not understand is why they call me at 3 am crying about how much their bitchy girlfriend is driving them nuts and they with they were like me, telling me how much they love me and don't date me. They still want me close though. T-bird, the guy I love grabbed my arm when I wanted to leave the house- I said I couldn't cope with being so close to him and being expected to do all the girlfriend shit if he didn't want me like that. He pulled me into his lap and cried with his arms around me for 45 minutes.

2 weeks later his new girlfriend moves into our bedroom... -_-
What a fucking loser, you need to find a real man... Not some little boy who likes to play with your heart like it's a sport.

Where's he at? I'll put the hands to him.


Well-Known Member
I can't find anyone, that's the problem. His family adore me- I get taken out to all family dinners etc. his mother prefers me to the girlfriend. It's a fucked up situation. He calls home and his mother asks if she should pass the phone to one of his women.

I love him. Genuinely am 100% in love with the fucker. I've even wanted to try datin someone else to distract myself or make him jealous, but I can't because no one is interested.

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
I can't find anyone, that's the problem. His family adore me- I get taken out to all family dinners etc. his mother prefers me to the girlfriend. It's a fucked up situation. He calls home and his mother asks if she should pass the phone to one of his women.

I love him. Genuinely am 100% in love with the fucker. I've even wanted to try datin someone else to distract myself or make him jealous, but I can't because no one is interested.
when you finally find someone else you will quickly forget that douchebag, and realize you never were really in love with him in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Well, you know what I mean.

No. I cook, clean, can do laundry, good back rubs, play video games, smoke pot, don't bitch or nag- all my male friends come to bitch about their girlfriends to me, but they don't want to date me.
Girl this sounds way to familiar !!!


Well-Known Member
I can't find anyone, that's the problem. His family adore me- I get taken out to all family dinners etc. his mother prefers me to the girlfriend. It's a fucked up situation. He calls home and his mother asks if she should pass the phone to one of his women.

I love him. Genuinely am 100% in love with the fucker. I've even wanted to try datin someone else to distract myself or make him jealous, but I can't because no one is interested.
Girl one day you will find someone who will sweep you off your feet hahahhaahaha I didn't think it could happen.....I thought I was tooooo fucked up !!!!!!

Matt Rize

Maybe you're doing what some people do and put/keep yourself in the "friend zone". Make a move and go after what you want.
Everyone has their preference, I don't like girls that are always doing things for me and trying to please me all the time. It's a turn off.

I want a woman that can kick my ass and wont take shit from me or anyone else, strong independent women are the best there is.
Baum, Boom, Done and Done.

Matt Rize

He pulled me into his lap and cried with his arms around me for 45 minutes.
Thats called a bitch move. In the words of Katt Williams "I suggest you stop fucking with bitch n*ggas."


Well-Known Member
I dunno why you stick around its weakness on your part. Whether it be friendships or relationships I'm gone as soon as I feel im not wanted or respected. That's the one good thing about life is you can always choose to be alone.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I dunno why you stick around its weakness on your part. Whether it be friendships or relationships I'm gone as soon as I feel im not wanted or respected. That's the one good thing about life is you can always choose to be alone.
Maybe you've not experienced real love? Every shred of common sense would say you're bang on the money, unfortunately it' not always quite that easy ;)


Well-Known Member
Thats called a bitch move. In the words of Katt Williams "I suggest you stop fucking with bitch n*ggas."
Which is funny because katt is one of the biggest bitch niggas. I find it funny when he does his whole macho act to hecklers (predominantly tall black males). Ive seen him take his jacket off like he's gonna do something, hilarious oompa loompa. Still liked him as bobby shaw


Pickle Queen
What happened is we will get called skanks for posting pictures in here an everyone is busy sharing porn sites.

Konagirl, that's cute- PM me a picture with it on? :3

Wish I had someone to dress up for on valentine's day...
Well i question why ur so upset with people looking up their fav porn sites, i for one enjoy porn, sweety u get plenty of attention no need to be bitter if they wanna see more, and yes some people will call u skanky since u posted so many naughty pics, but if u posted them for fun and u don't think they are skanky why do u care?
Kuroi either u keep posting and accept that not everyone will agree or like ur half naked pics or just stop. U keep posting more and getting more upset when u don't get the attention/reaction that u want or need. Sweety focus on u not what others think of ur pics, I think u took the porn thread way to personal, are u surprised that men just wanna look at naked women getting fucked? lol sweety ur so young and naive to this world

Matt Rize

Which is funny because katt is one of the biggest bitch niggas. I find it funny when he does his whole macho act to hecklers (predominantly tall black males). Ive seen him take his jacket off like he's gonna do something, hilarious oompa loompa. Still liked him as bobby shaw
The story about him learning to ride motorcylcles. "if you ride, you're going to fall" LMAO

How about this lace and frills?

I work out!

wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH!


Well-Known Member
I as a man hate porn! And seeing pictures of naked women... that is disgusting! I just think... shit hold on my nose just cracked my monitor.


Ursus marijanus
I can't find anyone, that's the problem. His family adore me- I get taken out to all family dinners etc. his mother prefers me to the girlfriend. It's a fucked up situation. He calls home and his mother asks if she should pass the phone to one of his women.

I love him. Genuinely am 100% in love with the fucker.
Oh dear me yes. Been there; done that; got the straitjacket.
I've even wanted to try datin someone else to distract myself or make him jealous, but I can't because no one is interested.
Please hear me when I say that isn't a good enough reason. If I read your posts correctly, he is a manipulator who sees you as convenient and decorative. To folks like you and me, who are in the autism spectrum, that is "toxic" to use current pop-psych lingo. You're responding with real, strong, unshielded emotion to someone who is in a position to really damage you and just plain lacks the decency/sympathy to avoid doing so.
I recommend you visualize leaving this specimen as quitting tobacco ... it's very hard but obviously healthy, and once you've done so by the unassisted force of YOUR will you'll be lastingly proud of yourself, and that is sustaining fare even when you're alone. I do so highly recommend it.
But you have to decide, and commit, and prepare to resist and overcome the head-turning blandishments from Torino when he realizes his Deluxe Appliance is threatening independent thought. In a year. or two, or five, the thought that you followed your own head and dragged your heart to its betterment against its kicking&screaming will ... the memory will be empowering. You will be unassailably ... your own woman. cn