Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
you have that 1000m stare in your eyes, looks like you had fun, it's great you do stuff with your brother, it will mean a lot to both of you later in life having such great memories made with you.



Well-Known Member
Does that mean that booty is "trunky" back in Blighty? cn
Could quite possibly be

lol @ blighty

i once saw Hugh laurie aka House do a test on Ellen for knowledge of americanisms. They included badonka donk and shawty. I was like... Those can't seriously be used by the majority... White ppl can't be saying shawty so it's hardly a fair test

And did you hear Obama try out a few of our colloquialisms when Cameron went over there? 'looking forward to a good old gnatter' came out about as natural as walking on water is... Good effort tho

Matt Rize

i think this one is called frills and fannies, that pinky finger should be an inch to the left...

i don't get the animation stuff... and i like cartoons.