AWWW Fdd still bitter over little old me becoming Mod HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
As if i would care what FDD thinks hahahahaha and Meta grow some balls, stop kissing FDD's it's pretty funny to watch, why bother u got ur free shit.
FDD u come and state ur opinion or view constantly but as soon as someone disagrees or gets more attention then u, u cry and pick at them on a personal level, see this is why i think everyone starting disliking u and the proper choice was made, still burns ur buttom doesn't it love. Either way bash me all u want, i still respect u as a fellow grower since ahem i am one
How or why would people respect u when ur goal is to make me feel unattractive, what kind of person would want to do that, i for one try and make people smile, if u don't like what i have to say or look like please keep ur narrow minded opinions of me to urself, if not u might not like what i and lots of others will have to say about u.
Seriously learn how to respect the people u Mod and maybe some might like u again

Comments like u felt the need to make only show how weak and jealous u are.
Funny how members have sent me pm's asking me to be nice 2 u because they felt bad about everyone not liking u, hahahaha u want people to pitty u over thinking ur cute and growing sweet plants hahahahaha whatever FDD i give up and i wont be so nice anymore, ur rude, funny how u think u can post whatever u want but everyone else must talk about growing , or wait do we need ur all mighty approval to open a tread?

Go smoke a bowl ang get over urself, funny how i woke up to pm's of people telling me about ur rude comments, sorry love i got PLENTY of poeple who like me and enjoy my pix, I still can't believe u think it's needed to cause drama in a thread by making negative comments to get a reaction, no ATTENTION is all u want, that's why u poke at me, man u dsb and fab are all the same