Lace and Frills <3

no thanks this place is way to tacky and im out of here and will never be back......... thay never noticed........ says it all :-(

They did, but didn't feel the need to commet on the same image in two separate threads.

I don't know why you changed your mind from thinking it's 'art' to thinking it's 'tacky', but you're still welcome.

You complimented Uncle Buck's plants even after you two were arguing. That was nice of you, and a start x
Lace and frills are now in trends. I like the dress of the chick. Full dress is designed with frills and lace which looks amazing.........
Hello all, thought I'd drop in to say hello}&#12288;&#12377;&#12415;&#12414;&#12379;&#65358;&#12289;&#12288;&#12354;&#12394;&#12383;&#12431;&#12288;&#12395;&#12411;&#12435;&#12372;&#12288;&#12431;&#12363;&#12426;&#65357;&#12377;&#12358;&#12288;&#12363;&#65311;


this seems like a good thread...I will stop in from time to time. &#12288;&#12375;&#12423;&#12394;&#12425;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#65294;&#12376;&#12423;&#12360;&#65369;
Hi Joey!

Do I understand? Sou yo! Genki desu ka? Although I'm not sure about the youon you used and the m and n instead of ma and n kana- what font are you using? I can't type kana with the keyboard, only write it by hand... And I fail at kanji but it's ok because hiragana in purple looks cute <3

*Re-reads* Oh right, you wrote your name in hiragana instead of katana! I like it, it looks cuter that way <3

Nice to have you over. We can start again on better footing... With a good dose of cake!! *offers tray of confectionary*
Feel free to post frilly things.

... Holycrap, she/he called Rollitup a troll 0_o
She's crazy, one minute she says she'll post frills and bud porn, high-fiving; the next minute she's saying how dare you ask for a pic proving I'm not the Feds/a large Turkish pervert or some hideous amalgamation of the two 0_o Called poor Rollitup a troll...
You're very welcome x Much love to all the nice RIU boys (and the ladies) Lol, I went to type 'RIU' and my autocorrect wants to put 'RIZE'!

Eleanor lolwtf? xx