Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...


Well-Known Member
Im from Sydney,
Probably only a couple of hours away from you.

Do you use a proxy server?
Are you not paranoid about your grow being documented here?



Well-Known Member
Indefinately please go and find a newb site for all these questions... I'm just here for the growing....:-)


Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again.....

Its almost time people..:lol:. For those of you that have tuned into this grow, its been heaps fun.... The Super Lemon Haze is a robust, smelly plant....Long skinny arms that require help in supporting its own buds... Take the plant to over 9 weeks and you wont be disappointed...:-) It has gone thru so many changes, the colour changes being the most amazing...

2 MORE DAYS AND SHES CHOPPED.....So very excited about this one... It will have to hang for a fair while, the weather here has turned bitterly cold... The Wind Chill Factor is at -2 degrees celcius... Thank God for combustion heaters...

I bought the bud inside last night that I had to chop due to collapse... Its been off the plant for 3 days now, hanging for 2 and just in my lounge room at room temp for 12 hours... Its dried it enough for me to be able to try it...

OK, the Super Lemon Haze Smoke Report....:-P:leaf:

Its a dirty colour, but cleanly The crystals are everywhere and I mean everywhere, it doesn't smell super pungent when its dry, only when you chop it up do you really get a sense of its potency.....

Wow, it really does taste like lemons....LMFAO...:-) Sufficient burn on the chest, I am coughing on the blow out which means I need a little bit more spin in it....;-)

I taste detergent (that's not a bad thing in this case).;-).. Hang on i'll have another one...

Its really spicy...Maybe tea? Not very peppery..Slightly smokey too. Very yummy, with a very slight earthy undertone... I added a little more spin and I am still coughing, so I will add a little more till I get the ratio right....Most unique taste... It will only get better with age, if I can make it last that long.....:lol:

Time for my hubby to weigh in on this one.... Well he just said the bloody same thing as me....:dunce: No help there....

I am very stoned, so its strong, I have an aftertaste in my mouth that is quite pleasant and lemony and smokey...I like it... Over all thumbs up for the SLH....And my hubby has his cock out again, will someone give this man a job for fucks sake??????


Well-Known Member
Hehehe, my hubby isn't working and his sex drive goes thru the roof as he gets to see me all day, I'm in the house scantily clad and it drives him


Well-Known Member
Hehehe, my hubby isn't working and his sex drive goes thru the roof as he gets to see me all day, I'm in the house scantily clad and it drives him
It takes scantily clad for him? lol Hell my hubby, all I gotta do is look at him a certain way, and he gets that goofy grin on his face and the pants are comin off. lmao


Active Member
spin = tobacco
thats a europian thing i think amsterdam peeps do the same thing american's roll blunts seems like tobacco and ganja kinda go good togeather at least for some peeps i started with joints then blunts for 12+ years now its unbleached papers occasional blunt


Well-Known Member
Been a while since I've stopped by. It is always nice to see the progression after a few weeks. It's like pressing fast forward. Anyway girl, looks like you are gonna have a great harvest. Very nicely done! Congrats!


Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again...

I have decided to do the big chop tonight... They've been sufficiently flushed, and they are starting to collapse from the weight so its time...

Eight is coming over to help so it wont take us long...:-) Gonna let it hang for six days then slowly bring it inside and help things along... I dont' have time to wait for it to totally dry naturally....It would take three weeks....

I have nothing ready to go into the veg tent or the big tent for at least a week, so it will give me time to clean everything and remove the air conditioner and build my new screen....



Well-Known Member
Imagine the taste after a nice 3-6 month cure Lacey. Good show and good grow.
I agree Lacey, the stink on this strain comes back with avengance after a good cure. I'd say whack all ur perso bags in cure for at least 2-4 weeks. It's amazingly strong, so you can sacrifice two bags non-cure to smoke while the rest clears up.. :peace:


Well-Known Member
G'day all laceygirl again...

Eight and I have just massacred my four plants and I am very surprised at the yield.... We reckon I've done 2 elbows easily....:-)

Eight was also kind enough to come over with his camera so I will post pics after the clean up.. He's also heading home soon, so i'll do it later....



Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again... Yay its harvest festival time... :-) :mrgreen: :-)

It only took us about an hour to chop most of it down... There's still some stuff to do, but I am going to finish it all tomorrow...

Here is my hanging space... :mrgreen: :eyesmoke: :mrgreen:

I quickly ran out of space there, so out came the clothes :-)

This is what I will be smoking in about 7 days..... :eyesmoke: :mrgreen: bongsmilie

This is to be my last journal.... I will post my dry weight in about a weeks time, but then this thread can fade into obscurity.... Thanks so much for tuning in....:-)

Laceygirl :mrgreen: :eyesmoke: bongsmilie