Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...


Well-Known Member
Hi Mike...:-)

I've never grown outdoors here in Australia... Planning on giving it a go this year, I'll have to wait for November for the really long days to start as we are in the middle of winter here at the moment... It was minus five degrees celcius here this morning....That's bloody

Have they shown up yet????


Active Member
Hi Mike...:-)

I've never grown outdoors here in Australia... Planning on giving it a go this year, I'll have to wait for November for the really long days to start as we are in the middle of winter here at the moment... It was minus five degrees celcius here this morning....That's bloody

Have they shown up yet????
theve poped just starting to shed those lil baby leaves still one fingered thou =( gotta bout three to four weeks till i flip em


Well-Known Member

i have two SLH going and are a at about day 30. id have to check maay be a little farther along. by looking at yours at day 30, scares me. mine are not at all as resinous and i am actually seeing minimal trichs compared to yours. not much at all actually. all of my other plants and strains are covered in trichs.

what did you do to yours and what did you feed yours to make it so resinous or what am i doing wrong. i really want this plant to do well, because well, dont we all? haha.


Well-Known Member
Hi Pineapple, I don't think its what I'm doing, I believe its the strain... I'm not sure of the origin of my strain, as I received cuttings from a generous friend... If it was something I was doing, all my grows would look this But honestly this is the most resinous strain I've ever grown, and I've been growing for years....:-)


Well-Known Member
really, hmm i wonder if it is you just got a cutting of a more resinous pheno. cause mine looks no where near as resinous on its trim or leaves. but i got my macro lens up close a lil bit ago and on the bus, my oh my. trichomes are packed so tightly you can barely see the stalks on em. hmm a shame. i wish mine looked as resinous as your. but hopefully they will still be potent. i enjoyed looking through your grow though. and thank you for the speedy reply

btw, i am jealous you live in aussie. i plan on moving there within a decade haha. any tips on how the best way to gain residency there? i am thinking of starting a business there.


Well-Known Member
haha well, know any good girls needing a hubby? ;-) haha if not i guess ill start a business there. thinking about a some kind of business dealing with planes. private jet service maybe? or maybe an advertising company that flies banners round town and the beach. hmmmm :roll:


Well-Known Member
G'day All Laceygirl again... Well I am up to 19 bags and counting..:eyesmoke:. I've still got a fair bit of trimming to do, and I might get close to the 2 pounds I thought I was going to get, but I will have a larger screen next time and I am going to veg them and train them for a little longer next time... That's the good thing about these journals, yes they are entertaining, but it also enables me to keep concise notes about strains....:roll:

MY HUBBY GOT THE JOB HE REALLY REALLY WANTED..:mrgreen:.. YAY the pressure is off, and its quite a high salary so I am back to one day a week at work now, and I'm stoked... He's so much happier... I'm taking him out for dinner tomorrow night, I'm going to get my hair and nails done, buy a nice new dress and have some fun... :-)

Woohoo.... :-) Laceygirl... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
really, hmm i wonder if it is you just got a cutting of a more resinous pheno. cause mine looks no where near as resinous on its trim or leaves. but i got my macro lens up close a lil bit ago and on the bus, my oh my. trichomes are packed so tightly you can barely see the stalks on em. hmm a shame. i wish mine looked as resinous as your. but hopefully they will still be potent. i enjoyed looking through your grow though. and thank you for the speedy reply
I have seen hundreds of Super Lemon Haze plants & none of them hold a candle to the Pheno Lacey just grew marvelously..
It flowers faster, yields heavier & is more resinous than the rest..
I'd say she was very very lucky to get it & she should be thankful she was not the one who had to go through the selection process ;) Haha.

G'day All Laceygirl again... Well I am up to 19 bags and counting..:eyesmoke:. I've still got a fair bit of trimming to do, and I might get close to the 2 pounds I thought I was going to get, but I will have a larger screen next time and I am going to veg them and train them for a little longer next time... That's the good thing about these journals, yes they are entertaining, but it also enables me to keep concise notes about strains....:roll:

MY HUBBY GOT THE JOB HE REALLY REALLY WANTED..:mrgreen:.. YAY the pressure is off, and its quite a high salary so I am back to one day a week at work now, and I'm stoked... He's so much happier... I'm taking him out for dinner tomorrow night, I'm going to get my hair and nails done, buy a nice new dress and have some fun... :-)

Woohoo.... :-) Laceygirl... bongsmilie
Good Stuff Lace, 2 Elbows aye - I'm rooting for ya :hump:
Be nice to ur Hubby.. From what i hear he is pretty nice to you :lol:


Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again.....

Its almost time people..:lol:. For those of you that have tuned into this grow, its been heaps fun.... The Super Lemon Haze is a robust, smelly plant....Long skinny arms that require help in supporting its own buds... Take the plant to over 9 weeks and you wont be disappointed...:-) It has gone thru so many changes, the colour changes being the most amazing...

2 MORE DAYS AND SHES CHOPPED.....So very excited about this one... It will have to hang for a fair while, the weather here has turned bitterly cold... The Wind Chill Factor is at -2 degrees celcius... Thank God for combustion heaters...

I bought the bud inside last night that I had to chop due to collapse... Its been off the plant for 3 days now, hanging for 2 and just in my lounge room at room temp for 12 hours... Its dried it enough for me to be able to try it...

OK, the Super Lemon Haze Smoke Report....:-P:leaf:

Its a dirty colour, but cleanly The crystals are everywhere and I mean everywhere, it doesn't smell super pungent when its dry, only when you chop it up do you really get a sense of its potency.....

Wow, it really does taste like lemons....LMFAO...:-) Sufficient burn on the chest, I am coughing on the blow out which means I need a little bit more spin in it....;-)

I taste detergent (that's not a bad thing in this case).;-).. Hang on i'll have another one...

Its really spicy...Maybe tea? Not very peppery..Slightly smokey too. Very yummy, with a very slight earthy undertone... I added a little more spin and I am still coughing, so I will add a little more till I get the ratio right....Most unique taste... It will only get better with age, if I can make it last that long.....:lol:

Time for my hubby to weigh in on this one.... Well he just said the bloody same thing as me....:dunce: No help there....

I am very stoned, so its strong, I have an aftertaste in my mouth that is quite pleasant and lemony and smokey...I like it... Over all thumbs up for the SLH....And my hubby has his cock out again, will someone give this man a job for fucks sake??????
Here it is.... :-)


Well-Known Member
I don't have much left Rock.:-).. It practically ran out the door.. But mine does look exactly the same as eights.....:-) Seriously, exactly the same...