Active Member
you are ahead of the curve sure but eaual no your not so again i stress dont be so quick to speak without knowledge
COPYCAT Wat country are you from?? Is it like Khezistan? or some other backwards anal-mole of a country were Equal Opportunites isn't heard of?
In Australia Men & Women do the same Jobs for the same pay. As for Pot prices, like Lacey said it comes down to the quality of the gear.
In my experience of living in Australia... I was born in the 70's so womens lib was well underway here... At primary school we were never taught to be anything else than what we wanted to be....My husband and most of the blokes I know, don't think that way about women... I've found we've been raised to think differently here... Women are respected here.. And that is true... Don't get me wrong, its not perfect, far from it, but we are a lot further along than most countries that's for sure.... Violence towards women is not tolerated here, and women feel comfortable in expressing opinions..
I come from a family that stepped off the boat that helped found this great Nation, I am the descendent of convicts and prostitutes...I am not ashamed of my family history and very proud to be a strong woman... I've never felt descriminated against just because I'm a woman, but apparently I'm one of the lucky ones... If it wasn't for the prostitute boat arriving on Sydneys shores, over 200 years ago, Australia would never have come about... The men were starving and fighting and there was no order... A boat load of women were sent here, the most expensive convict ship ever sent from England, and shit started to get done...Well here we are...That's written in our history....
If I can hold my own in a very male dominated area like growing dope, then I'm all the better for it...The only time gender comes into the equation for me is when I'm growing from seedling...I'm not intimidated by men, but I've never been oppressed...
It's a man's world, but that makes the woman smarter, we have to navigate your world, and still uphold our own... Figurately speaking of course....
G'day all Laceygirl again...
Not having much luck with my aerocloner... Been doing a bit of searching around the net and it seems that I'm not the only one, and at least now I am a little bit closer to knowing why...
Last time I cloned there was this whitish slimy stuff floating in the aerocloner reservoir, so I emptied the water out cleaned it and put it back together... The one thing I didn't clean was the water heater. I put it back in and low and behold, it came back again this time, killing all my clones...![]()
So... I haven't given up on the aerocloner, but I've put it up on blocks for a little while, so it can completely dry out after I washed it in disenfectant... I want it to dry thoroughly, after I rinsed it continuously with clean water and let it drip dry... I washed all the other components the same way also..
I went back to my lil cloning tent and decided to go back to my humidity crib as I am out of time... I soaked little rockwool cubes in pH down and rhizotonic for about 15 mins then took another six cuttings from Pamela the blue cheese...I used Clonex cloning gel and put them in the crib.... I then gave her (Pamela) a good drink of Rhizotonic and Cannazym to help her with the shock of it all...
I will reassemble the aerocloner when the rest of the parts arrive next week...
The big tent is coming along great guns... I am in day 2 of PK for the Super Lemon Haze, and they are loving it... I also use about 80mls of Cannazym to help the plants with nutrient uptake...
The Rhino didn't need a thing from me tonight... Will give it, probably the last lot of nutrient in the next two days, and then its flush... I am going to flush it really well as its growing in vermiculite and perlite...14 days max...
I hope the White Widow dies, it looks like shit, its getting nothing different than the other plants and it looks horrible... Just going to grow it out and cook it....lol...
Transplanted the clone of the Laced Rhino into vermiculite and perlite tonight... Its now under 18/6 so it should start to come on... The top 44 seedlings have tripled in size, so that's very encouraging...The six Laced Rhino x Widow seeds are going well also...JUST CAN'T AEROCLONE
More pics in a couple of days...
Are you using a timer on your aerocloner?
An aerocloner does not work well without a timer in my opinion
You should really be use a recycle timer that would turn the pump on for 1 minute and off for 4 or 5 minutes if you want the best results
That is what I use and I usually get 100% on all cuttings
Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Custom-Automated-Products-CAP-ART-DNe/dp/B00286QNDM