Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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New Member
Yes but I'm not usually depressed. I am usually on the opposite side of the pole:hump: When and if I am depressed it often lasts for years and it is beyond depression...its total despair:cry:
WOW YOU SOUND LIKE ME..AM ALL WAY'S depressed..and some people just dont get how..mutch it suck's..i dont even like to leave some time's..
da plantDOC
hmmm...u can bet i kno sumfin about women ;) I see :mrgreen:

Hey. Not a problem. I don't mind anyone posting anything on any of my threads.:mrgreen: Actually that was VERY cool. Thanks. Hey laplant. There you go for future reference. Thats awesome.

Have a nice trip Lacykins, If you don't see this b4 you go I'll talk to you when you're back. Ciao!!:joint::joint::peace::joint::joint:
Thanks so much Jimmy spazzzzzzzzzzz.
I don't leave 'til tomorrow morning but yes I might not see you again. Thanks. I am gonna miss all of you so very much. :cry:

I just dropped my girls off at the groomers. They are gonna be pretty doggies for their daddy:hump:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
SO you all packed and ready to leave...i wish you and the hubby good luck and drive safely...your going to have a realy good's going to be nice to get away..
da plantDOC


New Member
hey dudette...I don't know if your lurking out there somewhere or not...your thing always says your offline...have a good, safe trip and don't give hubby to hard of a time....remember.."mellow".........;)


New Member
OMG guys. I am now in truro Nova scotia and have been having a fabulous time.
The drive down was fabulous but it rained the entire time except for yesterday.
We also stopped at edmunston for the night.
Right now we are at willows bend motel and it is really nice. We just sat down for a complimentary breakfast and they have a heated pool and whirl pool.
We are having a really good time and even my cat is getting along great with my mom. I was very worried about that but my mom is spending time playing ball etc with smokey so the cat is happy. I think maybe even liking it better since there is no competition with the dogs.

Anyway hubby is sitting by himself at the breaskfast table....but I justy wanted to see if I can log in and say hello and that I miss you all so very much.

Take care

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