Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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New Member
Oh no you don't.:cuss:
Don't you guys even 'think' about comparing asses in MY grow journal. :evil:

Especially zeke:roll::fire:(you're a bad dawg:lol:)

lol,,,,good or bad,,,,Dawg only means one thing ;-)) I'd rep yur butt,,,,,,,if it looked better than mine:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



New Member
Kant and all of you that told me to get a 1000 watt I have to thank 'cause that thing is awesome.

My plants are going into mega flowering stage and are flowering so evenly throughout. And to see all the different strains doing their thing is so exciting now.

I can really notice lots of changes in the different strains now. I realized that there is no way i have any mango because the seed company i ordered these from doesn't offer it as an indoor selection.:confused: I don't know what I was thinking. They have bc mango BUT apparently it has very small leaves are these leaves are huge. I am really thinking that it is BIG BUD. It it a very floriferous plant that grows really big. Well no sh*t. It really does. I hope the smoke is as good as it looks.

I'm quite sure I have 2 white widow because its one of the top indoor strains and I've read that its foliage is a lighter green and i have 2 that are definitely lighter green.

I've seen blueberry before and think I have at least one of these. The leaves are thinner, flatter and are shinier than most mj leaves. I hope so cause I love blueberry.

I suppose I am just gonna have to wait longer and do some more research to find out because I really would like to know.

Perhaps later on some of you people can help me guess which ones I have. I should ask the seed company which strains they add in their indoor mix selection.

Anyway, I am really stoked about how these babies are flowering. They are even starting to smell nice:hump:and I love that sweet bud aroma. mmmmmmmmm

Right now the lights are off but I will take some pics tomorrow morning. They are really coming along nicely.

We got most of the dry wall up and hubby even came up with an idea. I'm impressed that he is showing such an interest in this now and I';ll take pics of his new invention. Its purdy kool.




New Member
I just transplanted 3 of mine this evening into bigger, nicer pots and added 2 more ladybugs. :)

Hubby made these things out of wood and wire that attaches to the rims of the pots so that I can put some branches out a bit more for light.

Some of these strains I have are mega bushy and I have to do it otherwise the new leaves come in are curly from lack of light. I think these ones are big bud because it is listed as a top indoor seller. It a great idea. he made 6 of them for me and now there is only one more wall to finish drywalling.

We are going to add water later but use the stink pipe for ventilation. This is working out really well.

These plants are definitely ripening at a faster rate than they would outdoors. Where I grow out on the back deck it only receives morning and early afternoon light. Plus I have to turn the plants around from time to time.
Indoors they are just blooming their heads off right now and I don't even have any white paint on the wallls yet.

I'll take pics tomorrow morning and show you some differences in the strains. its really COOL!!!:mrgreen:

Hehe I have been away too building websites 12 hours a day, Taekwon-do and Spanish school everyday i'm too busy other than to read the aliens thread which I love.

Glad your feeling better Lacy

That is so sweet!!!

Awe Fake trees. I'm ok gurl. The holidays could have been better but life's good now.

How were your holidays?
I will check out your grow as soon as I respond to all these posts.

Thanks :hug:


Well-Known Member
who is this guy dont worry lacy your journal is the perfect combo of work and play, glad to hear things are moving along lacy, i was transplanting yeaterday also:)


New Member
pics look great, Lacy. very tasty buds developing. keep it up.

by the way, you have a two that look like blue widows, to me.


New Member
OMG Fake plastic trees!!!:o
You are one busy lady. A martial arts chick as well.:hump:

The Aliens thread:lol: Yeah some topics can get real deep.

Nice to see you back FPT.

Hehe I have been away too building websites 12 hours a day, Taekwon-do and Spanish school everyday i'm too busy other than to read the aliens thread which I love.

Glad your feeling better Lacy


New Member
Yeah. Thank you.
Besides which, its MY journal and I will make it however I choose.:hump:

So there. :razz:

I know you are but what am I?:lol:


who is this guy dont worry lacy your journal is the perfect combo of work and play, glad to hear things are moving along lacy, i was transplanting yeaterday also:)


New Member
Hey closet. Long time no see:mrgreen:

How the heck are you?

Blue Widows?:roll:

I don't know but I scorched some of the budz the other day by accident.:cry: My light is up the highest it can go and if I move my plants to close they get fried. I have to be more careful cause these things are growing HUGE.

I transplanted three more last night in there forever containers and stressed them so that their branches get more light. Some of these are so thick that none of the inner branches are receiving any light.

I'll take some pics soon.

Thanks for stopping by Closet Cult.:mrgreen:

pics look great, Lacy. very tasty buds developing. keep it up.

by the way, you have a two that look like blue widows, to me.
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