Well-Known Member
I usually do the water & Javex thing. When I was up to my armpits in spider mitesSo I have had a bit of a bug infestation lately so the last couple of days I have had my plants outside transplanted them and sprayed them down with water.
I have cleaned out and disinfected my grwo room and the light has been off for a the time being.
Now I don't see many little critters around but i am wondering if I should spray anything in there. I have never had this kind of problem before and I don't want it to hurt my plantsbecause they are looking mihgty fine right now.
Does anyone have any suggestions. I was thinking of spraying something in there and leaving it for the night.
that worked for cleaning everything, pots, area and all the tools..........I like the chlorine as it evaporates and won't leave any residue like some chemicals...........