Ladies and Gents: The Differences in Communication Between the Two Sexes

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I'm that way..... I'm working on it though. It's not fair and I know it, but when I'm angry and pissed off, deep down I want a hug. The more time that passes without an apology the more angry I get. After I'm no long angry - I can understand why he wouldn't want to approach me when I'm pissed, but that logic can escape me when I'm busy justifing my anger to myself.

Like I said - I'm working on it. What can I say .... my husband is a better person than I am and I know it.

I used to be like that.. felt they just didn't care enough to deal with the problem right away... and the longer time passed the longer I felt he just didn't care..

It's hard to over come girly- but worth all the effort I swear...
see, it is the chicks that are all whacked out. lolololol. just kidding. :)

i always cry during the last 10 mins of "wife swap".
why don't you "vent' by fixing something? at least do the dishes. lol

men take the energy that women use to argue and put it to something useful. women will spend hours tiring themselves over drama. men will spend hours tiring themselves cleaning the gutters. which ones more productive? :)
man you have a way with words fdd...pretty much spells it out...plain and simple...:clap::clap:
by the way I am glad the ladies are not spending all their time in the "ladies only" section....:p
I think one thing we are all missing out on here also is the communication breakdown. FDD seems to have an understanding that most men have and his wife gets it. I think a lot of this communication is due to incompatible significant others. I too like to go out and cool off whether it's the gutters or a walk....the problem has been when I get home the girls are usually mad at me for leaving, I HAVE TO and they needed to understand that.

Also I am guilty of always handling things my way, this isn't fair to the other involved. It's all about communication, boundaries and's all so simple yet confusing. I must say I envy some of you, I would love to have the open communication and understanding that you have in your relationships it's hard to find...especially for a bastard like me...LOL.
My hubby and I have figured out how to deal with all this. If something is bothering you, tell them right then and there. If you get it out when you are actually upset, angry or whatever, it is usually resolved fast then. It is when we save it up and it all comes out at once. If hubby is bugging me, I tell him so and he does the same. It just works great that way, no bottled up or pent up issues there. :mrgreen::peace:
My hubby and I have figured out how to deal with all this. If something is bothering you, tell them right then and there. If you get it out when you are actually upset, angry or whatever, it is usually resolved fast then. It is when we save it up and it all comes out at once. If hubby is bugging me, I tell him so and he does the same. It just works great that way, no bottled up or pent up issues there. :mrgreen::peace:

I think I like Canadian girls, eh?
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