Lady bug infestation

I open my grow-box which consists of 4 42watt CFL's and there were over 20 lady bugs, most of them all dead on the CFL light bulb itself. Are they attracted to the light only? Do they pose any harm to the plants? There were none on the plant but i was worried. Only way in is through the intake/exhaust computer fans.... idk how they managed to not get cut up. Also the box has access directly outdoors with a hole so i know how they got in the first place.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
True lady bugs, not the Japanese beetles, are your friend. They feed on things that would feed on your plants.
How to tell is by the spots on the backs. Google them as I am not in a good position right now to try and describe the difference.:joint:
But true Lady Bugs are good up to a point they they over run everything.


Well-Known Member
You should be lucky to have them. Try to keep them in there, they eat bad bugs that harm your plants. But it also means that other bugs might make it to your plants too.

Big Red 2316

Active Member
they are good for your plants bro i had spider mites and i let over 3000 of them go in my grow room and they kicked ass!!!


The lady bugs are currently migrating through the north east. They do not hurt anything. Just get into everything and die. They are definitely beneficial, but at this time of the year it is just their migratory pattern.