Lady bugs for mites?


Well-Known Member
I have been battling spider mites for some time now. Even after taking everything out the room and fully cleaning everything so I bought 1500 lady bugs
Can anyone tell me how to use these and what to do as far as how many to release per plant and will they be crawling all over my house? Lol


Well-Known Member
i can't tell you exactly, since i've only used 1 bug at a time
brought it inside from outdoors, released in my grow chamber
stayed inside the chamber, and saw it going over mite infested areas like a vacuum cleaner
best of luck, mites are the worst


Well-Known Member
In my humble opinion ladybugs are a waste.
ive tried them.
I think i still have a few in my ballast.
i bought a shitload like you.
it was cute but not an avenue I would persue again.


Well-Known Member
Ladybugs work fine. Most people who use ladybugs don't use them properly. Before introducing them into your grow room you need to provide them with the basic things for survival like water/food/shelter

Ladybugs like it humid - find a container with holes large enough for a lot of them to move in and out but works well enough to retain some moisture
Water - Find a sponge, a natural sponge not the ones for dishes with the scratchy pad, soak it with clean water and place inside their home. or use a clean plate and feel it with water or a small bottle cap depending on how many you have, the sponge is ideal tho
Food - you can use raisins, honey, lettuce, something sugar. dont use bannanas because that is just asking for rot and other pests just be smart

place them in your grow room and when youre done suck em up with a vacuum and release them or what not


Well-Known Member
In my humble opinion ladybugs are a waste.
ive tried them.
I think i still have a few in my ballast.
i bought a shitload like you.
it was cute but not an avenue I would persue again.

That is a very accurate description.