Lady Bugs?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone use lady bugs as a pest control? I know they are really good for getting rid of some pest, but not sure which ones. I think they control spider mites and a few others...any use lady bugs? Cause i have a 4x7x7 room and i put a few in there to take care of problems that may occur. I get a catalog from National Garden Wholesale and they have 1500 for 8 bucks. For some reason they arent on their website, only in the catalog. I guess you could go to Or look on google, DO NOT pay 10 a piece for them. I found my lady bugs outside though. Hope this helps!
you better make sure they can't drown or get fried on hot lamps. or you gonna have a major mess and just a few left.and if they get hungry and they don't have anything to eat i would think they would split.unless it's cold outside.good luck with your ladybugs,as mine committed suicide on hot lamps and oversize drip trays.