lady gaga

theres never been a male plant in my grow room and 3 of my girls each have a few seed pokets on them 6 weeks into flowering, what could of caused this tragity??? cheers in advance.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Stress of some kind causes plants to produce balls and nanners.( light,nutes ,heat,oxygen and many more things cause stress)

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
You will have a few seeds but your smoke will be fine.What strain are you growing and how long until they are threw flowering?
yes femmed seeds, one was a cutting not sure what strain, other 2 r from seed, alaskan ice and anoter unknown. theyv been in flowering room for6 weeks they look nearly ready ive started flushing, bout 60 % red hairs

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I grew that fucked up ice and waisted room in my flowering room for that bullshit.My phenos were so stretchy they could not be grown inside.There is a short stout pheno in those seeds,I just got all the stretchy bullshit.I had one good pheno out of 10 plants.My ice never hermied the weed was just weak as hell.


Active Member
If you have a hermie I would cut it down!! They will infect your girls with pollen and you'll have seeds!! Its not worth the risk! And unless you can spend A LOT of time watching for balls and cutting them off they will open and fuck your day up jmho bongsmilie


my $0.02. do you ever buy bagweed? bagweed buds with seeds, and pollen sacks can carry viable pollen. twist a doob, then go touch your gals... boom, pollen transfer, than a couple seeds. if you've inspected your plants, and see no hermi triats... pollen sacks... and only have a few seeds coming on you should be straight.