Lady J's Smokin' Section


Well-Known Member
You gotta ration that shit!

I plan on having a few friends over after my first grow. See what they say about NL#1. :weed:
I don't know the meaning of ration lol. Not to mention, a 2 plant CFL grow is just not enough to last me for a few months!


Well-Known Member
Fast forward after this grow is done:

Good thing there's more than 6 in there ;). 11 plants ....aiming / hoping / praying for a pound. Maybe my ambitions are high considering I am not completely sure wtf I am doing...but that motivates me even more :fire:


Well-Known Member
I don't think growing is that hard once you get down the basics. All you're really doing is changing the light you're using. Organics pretty much fool proof. Wow isn't 11 plants a lot for a 400w?


Well-Known Member
I don't think growing is that hard once you get down the basics. All you're really doing is changing the light you're using. Organics pretty much fool proof. Wow isn't 11 plants a lot for a 400w?
Maybe??!! Maybe not :-P. I read that a 400 should cover a 4x4 tent is guess we're gonna give it a go [insert bad ass female emoticon holding an AK47 and a bob marley spliff].

I am really really high.



Well-Known Member
MozPoz Bondage:

I love your girls - great variety of strains!

Thanks Mo :)

How tall this that girl? She looks stout. How long since the second topping? She looks like she will be amazing...4 tops...8 soon!


Well-Known Member
She is about 4-6 inches. She slowed way down when I topped for four. So on the Mulanje Freebie I am waiting to top for four until the two get a little bigger. I will probably top her for 4 tomorrow. The Mulanje regular is topped for two but not bonded or trimmed.


Well-Known Member
She is about 4-6 inches. She slowed way down when I topped for four. So on the Mulanje Freebie I am waiting to top for four until the two get a little bigger. I will probably top her for 4 tomorrow. The Mulanje regular is topped for two but not bonded or trimmed.
Same thing happened when I went for four...after 8, they seem to grow hella fast! I'm glad we're doing this around the same time...I love seeing your babies. Moz Poz is going to be a baaaaad one ;)


Well-Known Member
I've been checking my plants everyday to see which ones seem dry...I don't want to put them on a schedule, just want to go by them and try to read their needs. So here are some pics of the ones that got their water / feed today.


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't go by a schedule either. If I can stick my finger in her pudding and not get wet, it's time to water. lol


Well-Known Member
Wtf?! How many nodes? How big are those pots? Why aren't mine like that?! WTF?! Ugh this grow is tiring out to be a nightmare!