Lady J's Smokin' Section

Interestingly, box says to not use more than 3 in a 24hr period.. wonder why..

You can OD on the "inert" ingredients. I'll see if I can find it, but this girl in high school sports, died from using icy hot and bengay every day... On the advise of her mother. (can't imagine how bad she felt afterwards)

Ill see if I can find the story/link..

Hope you feel better FP, my back is still jacked, so I feel ya on the pain...
hello Lady J...yure Blueberry plant lookin sweet.:leaf:

LOL I don't believe you...

How can you put those monster buds on here and expect me to believe my plant is sweet :-P. New rule, no posting of your plants unless they look considerably worse than mine!
You can OD on the "inert" ingredients. I'll see if I can find it, but this girl in high school sports, died from using icy hot and bengay every day... On the advise of her mother. (can't imagine how bad she felt afterwards)

Ill see if I can find the story/link..

Hope you feel better FP, my back is still jacked, so I feel ya on the pain...

Damn..that is crazy! And sad....

Owl, what exactly is wrong with your back? It's crazy how much doctor's don't know about back pain. My man and I both have had problems....when I was 12, I was jumping on a trampoline that wasn't properly enough bounce to go up to 2 stories, then in mid air, I leaned backwards to fall on my back...apparently the screen was so loose that instead of catching my weight, it gave and I caught mostly ground. I couldn't feel anything in my body for about 10 minutes. I thought I was permanently paralyzed...scary shit. Have had problems ever since.

My fiance got a piece of glass lodged in his spine trying to jump a bike off of a roof...was a large piece of glass in the ground where he landed. Lost his football scholarship, had to learn to walk & talk all over again. He still gets spasms every once in a while and I have to massage it out just so he can move.

Ever since we started smoking, we've had much less problems. When we smoke everyday, he never gets spasms and it takes me only minutes to pass out...used to take me 4 hours because I could never get comfortable due to my back aching. Another thing that helps is weight lifting...I had many more problems before hitting the weights and he had more spasms. I think it helps your back to be more resilient against the pain. Might actually try a chiropractor one of these days. Massage is wonderful too. His back used to hurt so bad that he wouldn't want anyone to touch it, but one day I convinced him to let me and it helped immensely!
Don't go to a chiropractor. They are the least trained individuals in the medical field. (I'm a PA, I know, I know I don't act mature enough). They are constantly being sued. Just don't.
You can OD on the "inert" ingredients. I'll see if I can find it, but this girl in high school sports, died from using icy hot and bengay every day... On the advise of her mother. (can't imagine how bad she felt afterwards)

Ill see if I can find the story/link..

Hope you feel better FP, my back is still jacked, so I feel ya on the pain...
So If I made a peppermint rub myself... could I still OD?
Damn..that is crazy! And sad....

Owl, what exactly is wrong with your back? It's crazy how much doctor's don't know about back pain. My man and I both have had problems....when I was 12, I was jumping on a trampoline that wasn't properly enough bounce to go up to 2 stories, then in mid air, I leaned backwards to fall on my back...apparently the screen was so loose that instead of catching my weight, it gave and I caught mostly ground. I couldn't feel anything in my body for about 10 minutes. I thought I was permanently paralyzed...scary shit. Have had problems ever since.

My fiance got a piece of glass lodged in his spine trying to jump a bike off of a roof...was a large piece of glass in the ground where he landed. Lost his football scholarship, had to learn to walk & talk all over again. He still gets spasms every once in a while and I have to massage it out just so he can move.

Ever since we started smoking, we've had much less problems. When we smoke everyday, he never gets spasms and it takes me only minutes to pass out...used to take me 4 hours because I could never get comfortable due to my back aching. Another thing that helps is weight lifting...I had many more problems before hitting the weights and he had more spasms. I think it helps your back to be more resilient against the pain. Might actually try a chiropractor one of these days. Massage is wonderful too. His back used to hurt so bad that he wouldn't want anyone to touch it, but one day I convinced him to let me and it helped immensely!

Massage helps blood flow, which speeds healing.

Muscle building gives your spine more support. =)
had a tooth pulled yesterday. siad not to smoke for 24hours. to bad i left the dentist stopped in at a local spot and they had supppper bomb OG. so i couldnt help it. ive smoke 5-6 bowlss since the tooth was pulled. why do they say not to smoke? i tried googling it but wasnt much help. thanks
You can suck out your clot you have in there and even if it doesn't start bleeding you can get what is called dry socket and it is excruciating.
had a tooth pulled yesterday. siad not to smoke for 24hours. to bad i left the dentist stopped in at a local spot and they had supppper bomb OG. so i couldnt help it. ive smoke 5-6 bowlss since the tooth was pulled. why do they say not to smoke? i tried googling it but wasnt much help. thanks

Smoking can make the wound more prone to infection. I was a dental assistant overseas for a while ;). It helps to wash your mouth out before and after you smoke with mouth wash. That's what I did when I got my tounge infections.
Oh yah.. dont want dry socket.. forgot about that. You couldnt wait 24hrs lol

I was passed the fuck out for 48 hours after I had my wisdom teeth out.
Lady j. A wise man once said. Inflection does not translate well in text. She was complementing your plants man!
Beware the armor clad kitty!!

I think you'd be ok making an all natural version Flaming Pie...

Yay! Off work!! Did five solid hrs of massage today-300minutes.. Blah--and my back held out too! Good day!

Heading home now-chat wit y'all laters..
Pineapple Express, around a week of 12/12...she has recovered from her supercropping 'incident' and has a fat knot keeping her sturdy now. Pulled her down for some LST today.


