Laid back, from way back


new to riu but not to growin - smokin. have plenty of cures, but want ta make hash, or oil, wanta trade? old school 4 newbee methods? I not good with login in a lot, blogin or threadin, but I got some specials ways 2B dazed use my gmail psycho4shit.


why am I referred to as a stranger? whats a laid back dude suppose to do? i gotta grow out of this 'stranger' crud. :cry:
why am I referred to as a stranger? whats a laid back dude suppose to do? i gotta grow out of this 'stranger' crud. :cry:
you have to make posts get to know people and start a journal. o and the sherriff badge looking thing in the bottom left hand corner near the "joarnal this post" is reputation. you can click on it to give others rep on posts you like. I hope this kinda helps... And i could also be wrong since im new to but hey at least im trying to help :)