Lambs Bread- 73 days in and I'm looking for help + opinions!

Yo man this may sound like a silly question but, see in the last couple of weeks of flower do you switch you plants over to just water??


a lot of strains naturally throw out nanners toward the end in a last minute effort to reproduce, it's not always user error. since your stuff is ready for chop, i wouldn't even worry about it. it's hard to tell based on a pic, but those do not look fluffy at all. they look pretty dense to me.

back to your drying issue. the first thing is 3-5 days is what i would consider too quick for drying, so i understand why you were messing with a humidifier, but i just don't like the idea of adding more moisture to the air, particularly since you say the air where you dry is around 50%.

are you leaving the buds on the main stems? this can make it take longer and result in more even drying. if the colas were really fat and dense i would probably reccomend cutting them into smaller buds and drying them flat, but since your issue is drying too quickly, definately leave the stems on. sometimes you have to tailor the dry process to suit the strain (fluffy, dense, etc.)

also, when you say you dry them in a closet, is this a closet with a door that you close or is it left open?
i dry mine in a cardboard box with a coat hanger stuck through it. the humidity in the room is about 50%, and i don't use any fans or anything. the temps in the winter where i dry are between 50-65 degrees.

i dug out some pics of a couple plants i harvested in around the end of october. the pic with more buds was a bagseed and the one with just the 4 colas was a pineapple chunk pheno that i'm in love with and have been growing for over a year. yields like shit though. i leave a bit of extra leaf on mine when i hang them so that might help drag it out a bit. i trim the little bits before they go into the jars, though.

the pineapple chunk took 2 more days to dry to where i like than the bagseed did, due to the colas being a bit more girthy and dense, and even the stems were fatter, so this made it take a bit longer also. i try to chop them a day or so after i water, before they dry out. i find that waiting for your soil to be bone dry before chopping results in a faster dry with a shittier taste (just my opinion).

so if you are closing the door and putting a fan in there, try leaving the door open with no fan and just wait it out.
also, skip the brown bag step after the buds rehydrate and just dump 'em out and check them every 15-30 minutes. when they feel dry again stick them right back in the jar. sometimes you have to really be on top of it with the curing.

how i decide when to burp the jars is i'll turn the jar upside down and look at the bud. if it sticks to the bottom of the jar and does not fall, they are too wet, and need to be removed from the jar until they dry out. if it sticks for a second and then drops, i'm on the right track and i'll just shake them to separate the buds and take the lid off for about 10 minutes and put it back on. if the buds do not stick to the bottom at all they are too dry and i don't open the jar at all.

lol this thread is making it seem like rocket science but it's really just a feel you get for it. this is just how i do it and get good results. as long as you are carefully monitoring the buds after chop/cure starts and know what to look for or avoid you should make out fine.

sorry for the book :eyesmoke:
No worries, no such thing as too much information!

Thanks for the input on my buds and the hermes/density questions. Hopefully that means I'll have good things in my future!

On Monday I decided to set up the closet for drying. I cut off a branch, trimmed it up, and hung it to dry. Tuesday morning the temp in there was 70 but the humidity was 21%! Way too low, right? The flowers on that branch are already getting crispy on the outside and are staring to smell green :wall: !!! Maybe low humidity while drying has been a real issue for me. I obviously need to change things up prior to cutting the lambs bread so that it's drying in a more humid area. Any ideas how to safely do this without promoting mold growth? Here is that branch hanging this morning.


I'm going to chop this weekend, so it will have been flowering for ~77 days. I took some pics today out of the tent in different light, just to make sure things still looked good to everyone. Let me know what you think!



Yo man this may sound like a silly question but, see in the last couple of weeks of flower do you switch you plants over to just water??
Usually I flush and go to straight water for the last week. I have tried not flushing but either way I still have the green tasting bud issue!


Well-Known Member
good luck tapick!

alot of people have this issue i wanna no the reason to so this doesnt happen to me ;)




good luck tapick!

alot of people have this issue i wanna no the reason to so this doesnt happen to me ;)


Thanks man! I really hope to get some tasty flowers for the first time...

Yeah, these are from Cali and they smell, earthy and floral?


Well-Known Member
Really it should have a cheesy dankkk almost buttery undertone N when u smoke it n should have strong taste of the same I describedIf it doesn't then its not the real lambs bread or its maybe the nutrients ur givin it /soilWhat nutes u use n what soil?Ur plants look EXACTLY LIKE LAMBS BREADS SUPPOSE TO so I don't see why they would not smell like that way.?


Well-Known Member
Go buy a caliber III hygrometer for your jars. They are used for cigar storage and cost $20 on ebay.
On real leafy bud I like to trim bud pretty tight before hanging. But some buds that barely have sugar leaves I usually leave on while hanging to keep moisture in.
My drying humidity is 35-40%. Usually takes 3-4 days on small buds and week on big nugs. Don't let them get crispy.
Sometimes I used Brown bags sometimes I don't depends on how wet they are. And I recommend that you water your plants before chop. Seems to prolong drying a bit for me but that's what I want since humidity is low.
Then place in jars checking with Caliber for humidity.
There's a thread on those units here just google How to use hygrometer rollitup and tells you what to keep buds at for curing and long term storage.
If you let them get to dry the cure is done for and if to wet they are grassy so caliber helps takes the guess work out.


Really it should have a cheesy dankkk almost buttery undertone N when u smoke it n should have strong taste of the same I describedIf it doesn't then its not the real lambs bread or its maybe the nutrients ur givin it /soilWhat nutes u use n what soil?Ur plants look EXACTLY LIKE LAMBS BREADS SUPPOSE TO so I don't see why they would not smell like that way.?
Yeah, not sure about the smell. I might not be the best at describing it? Either way, as long as I get properly grown, good tastin flowers, I'll be stoked!

I'm using Fox Farm soil and nutes (with Beastie and Open Sesame).

Go buy a caliber III hygrometer for your jars. They are used for cigar storage and cost $20 on ebay.
On real leafy bud I like to trim bud pretty tight before hanging. But some buds that barely have sugar leaves I usually leave on while hanging to keep moisture in.
My drying humidity is 35-40%. Usually takes 3-4 days on small buds and week on big nugs. Don't let them get crispy.
Sometimes I used Brown bags sometimes I don't depends on how wet they are. And I recommend that you water your plants before chop. Seems to prolong drying a bit for me but that's what I want since humidity is low.
Then place in jars checking with Caliber for humidity.
There's a thread on those units here just google How to use hygrometer rollitup and tells you what to keep buds at for curing and long term storage.
If you let them get to dry the cure is done for and if to wet they are grassy so caliber helps takes the guess work out.
That was a great read, thanks for the link! I'll definitely be trying that method with the hygrometer in the jar this time around, it makes good sense.


Well-Known Member
Is that the lambs bread nug hanging upside down chopped? Looks dank and crystally!!Don't c why u wudnt have dank tasteAlso let me no if they get a cheesy almos undetoneMaybe try trimming ur leafs finer n have only budI think the more leafs u c the more grass taste u will have.even if they are the littlest trim them off maybe this will help


Is that the lambs bread nug hanging upside down chopped? Looks dank and crystally!!Don't c why u wudnt have dank tasteAlso let me no if they get a cheesy almos undetoneMaybe try trimming ur leafs finer n have only budI think the more leafs u c the more grass taste u will have.even if they are the littlest trim them off maybe this will help
Yeah, looks good, but smells pretty green/grassy already. I just put those buds in a jar with a hygrometer, and it says 60% so maybe I'm still in the cure zone and the smell will improve. I'm just worried cuz this is exactly how my last several harvests smelled and tasted a few days after chopping, so it's frustrating as hell! I'll take your advice and trim even more leaves when I chop them this weekend.

The plan:

1. water them, chop em down the next day
2. trim up the buds, taking off as much leaf as possible
3. prep the grow tent with a humidifier so that my RH is around 55%
4. hang them to dry
5. small buds come down after 2-3 days and get put in a jar with hygro
6. 4-7 days after chopping, big buds go in jars too
7. proceed with curing as described here-

I'm doing several things differently this time around, so hopefully my curing process will be a big improvement. I'm drying in my tent for the first time because it's much easier to regulate humidity, and I'm thinking that will be a huge help.

Props and thanks to everyone who's helping me work out my grow problem! Keeping my fingers crossed for some tasty Lambs Bread in 2012...


Well-Known Member
Ya I fuckin love lambs bread I've had it from 6 different growers/dispensarys Its my favorite :) bob marley always talks about it n its just unique ..I no for sure the smel taste n high very wellJust cure it upp n give it timeee I just gota nug from my boy today smelled grassy n wet as fuckTook it out of the box he had it in within 30 minutes the grass smell went away n the smell of theWeed came out more..Keep me posted


Ya I fuckin love lambs bread I've had it from 6 different growers/dispensarys Its my favorite :) bob marley always talks about it n its just unique ..I no for sure the smel taste n high very wellJust cure it upp n give it timeee I just gota nug from my boy today smelled grassy n wet as fuckTook it out of the box he had it in within 30 minutes the grass smell went away n the smell of theWeed came out more..Keep me posted
For sure, will keep you posted on my progress.


I decided to cut on Friday as planned and got everything hung up in the tent to dry. Temp was 68 degrees and humidity was 40%, no fans with passive air intake from the tent flaps.

Over the last few days the smell in the tent has become worse and worse, to where it smells straight up grassy. This morning I checked on things and decided the flowers were getting way too try, so I cut the flowers from the stems and jarred them. The smaller buds could literally be rubbed into powder between my fingers because the bud was so dry. The RH in the jars is up to about 70%, but the smell still sucks. It seems like no matter what genetics I use, my flowers always end up tasting and smelling exactly the same. Seriously, exactly the same smell regardless of strain! So I feel like I'm screwing things up on my end. Here's a pic of a flower, and it looks way better than it smells. Not chronic at all. Smells like, grass, hay, and carpet. Yuck!


I really am hoping for the best as I cure the Lambs Bread, and I've got a hygrometer inside to monitor RH, but I'm not too optimistic b/c like I said, my flowers always smell like this a few days after chopping. My plants always smell awesome until around 7-8 weeks, when the smell becomes much less potent? The flowers still smell good up close, but I can't help but feel this is where things start to go wrong for me?

I've got some seeds germinating and plan on throwing up a journal for the ROI forums so I can get input throughout the process. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, I just can't figure it out, so hopefully weekly pics will help. Any other ideas out there? Like Neil Young asked, "why do I keep fu*king up!!!"