Land of Joy:1000 Watt: OG Raskal WMK, Reserva Privada Skywalker


Welcome to my Spring 2013 Grow, Let me tell you a little bit about my setup

4' 8 Lamp T5

1000 watt HPS
The Magnum XXL 8 Air Cooled Hood
6x6x8 Grow tent
Carbon filter with 8in fan exhausting air outside
Window AC unit attached to a 6in fan blowing cool air into tent

Heavy 16 Bud A&B
Heavy 16 Veg A&B
Heavy 16 Prime
Heavy 16 Fire
Heavy 16 Roots
Great White
*Roots Excelurator

OG Raskal Seeds White Master
Reserva Privada Skywalker Kush
More to come....

Welcome to our grow I want to thank you for visiting. I am excited for my next couple of grows coming up so I decided to let you guys in. I have a couple of things going on here, first up I am going to be using Heavy 16 Roots against House and Gardens Roots Excelurator. I would also like to hear from any other Heavy 16 users that brew their own tea and incorporate into their feeding.



Here is my first video of the season. Check it out!



Well-Known Member
I was gonna pick up the heavy 16 line last time I bought nutes. The guy in the shop said yeah it's on the clearance shelves for 50% off cuz we aren't gonna carry it anymore. Apparently people weren't too impressed with it. Being one to make my own decisions I went to get it anyway but he was missing like 2 out of the full line so I said fuck it and went with botanicare again like I have for years. I do wish you good luck with it though!


I was gonna pick up the heavy 16 line last time I bought nutes. The guy in the shop said yeah it's on the clearance shelves for 50% off cuz we aren't gonna carry it anymore. Apparently people weren't too impressed with it. Being one to make my own decisions I went to get it anyway but he was missing like 2 out of the full line so I said fuck it and went with botanicare again like I have for years. I do wish you good luck with it though!
Heavy 16 grows some Bomb ass buds bro! I highly recommend it and I hope that my grow will change your mind. Stay Tuned!


I germinated seeds yesterday and made a tutorial. This is the method that I use, how do yo germinate your seeds?



Well-Known Member
I totally forgot my cousin did a grow with the heavy 16 and it turned out great. He grows DTW rockwool slabs


3 days from flowing and I plan on making a batch of tea. We will be testing Xtreme Gardening tea brews. Have you used this product?



*New Strains on the way*
Barney's Farm Liberty Haze
Dinafem Critical +
Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy
Cali Connection Girl Scout Cookies
Royal Queen Seeds Sour D
Royal Queen Seeds Royal Blue Matic



Here is a update on the seeds that I germinated in my video. TH Seeds Critical Hog and Positronics Cum Laude really took off. Out of the 6 Delta 9 Seeds that I germinated 0 of them even poped. The only CH9 Seed I had pop with a small tap root but it took a while and after watching it for a few days it just look like it stopped growing. I dont know if Delta 9 or CH9 are just not on the same level as other breeders but I will never order their seeds again. I will be supporting TH Seeds and Positronics. What is your experience with these breeders?
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Planting Positronics Seeds Cum Laude in Soil



What's up! Long weekend here in SoCal lots going on. I finally got a chance to tend the garden this evening and I will post videos and pictures in a few hours after I get some rest. I whipped up a batch of the Xtreme gardening tea. I am going to let it brew for 24 hours before root drenching the root. I will let you know how much I use. I have 10 plants in all 1 mother WMK, 9 2 foot tall WKM ( I would like to have them at lease 4 ft tall but I have a deadline to make and summer phish tour is right around the corner) and 2 Skywalker that I switch to 12/12

I did a lot to the flower tent I got rid of one huge fans and got 3 clips fans from target. Another thing I did was I took out my 2nd fan that brings air into the tent and just stuck the ducting from the A/C into the side of the tent blowing the cool air directly into the tent. Do I Need That fan?? Do I need it b/c the fan taking air out of the tent at such a rapid pace that I need to replace that air with the same pace????


Start of week 1 I am applying a tea that I brewd up. Check it out!



My new strains have arrived and I have already started germinating them. I am excited about these new strains in the garden. I ordered Cali Connection Girl Scout Cookies, yes I know its not the real GSC I want to see what Cali Connection is all about so that I can form an opinion for myself. I am going to visit San Francisco this summer and I wanted to know if any of you guys know where I can find a real Girl Scout Cookies cut for my garden.


What's up Pharmers today my order from Xtreme Gardening came today. I stocked up their tea brews, I will be brewing batches of tea for my plants for a long time. I also got Mother of All Blooms, I have heard good things about this product. Do any of you use it? If so do you recommend it?



Day 10 everything is going fine, My temps are down to about 76 while the light is on(day time) and around 64 when the light is off(nighttime) The humidity is around 36% in there right now. All of my smaller plants the soil has just now about dried up from the first feeding I think I am going to wait one more day to make sure that its all the way dry before feeding them again. I am going to push the PPMS up to around the 2000 mark