landlord! inspection, repairs, ect.


Active Member
So I recently left the comfort of my home to my ex, joining the rental communities. Alot of risk assessment. I was able to find a landlord a 40 year old professional woman who gave me the "cum fuck me" vibe, and also wants me to do repairs and take off rent. She lives a good 30 minutes away, im paying rent weeks in advance and also inquired about the semi annual inspection which is a city ordinance, completed a few months ago. I changed the locks, only I have the key. Meters are all outside. Three locked doors between the girls and outside world, off the grid security alarm.

Now, where could I go wrong?

Obviously banging hers a mistake, so I wont... so I should be good, right? Just not use to having the concern. Even my ex doesnt know about my girls by the way. Also, this is only temporary, one year max!
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Well-Known Member
Keep seedlings for reg herbs n shit.
They have to give u 24 hrs notice for entering ur apartment if they even do.
Plenty of time to move the girls to a truck or van for dark period. Put in the legal seedlings so even if the subject is spotted ur growing legal stuff

Or u could bang her and become the guy that does inspections and save urself some work


Active Member
"Im doing a thesis at state college on the ozone layer deterioration in regards to photosynthesis, its a controlled study and conditions must be optimal, please dont open the door!"

(Door opens)...

N there sits this room, covered in mylar, hps dangling from the cieling, and just as she turns to me, the inline kicks off and that triggers the co2 and h2o pump...


There sits a few basil bushes, in five in net pots! Lmfao...

Theyd just think im smart and weird as fuck lol. Hence, not having to do shit!


Thats plan B, ill buy some parsley n shit, throw it in there!

Still open to suggestions, experiences, etc...

Ps, im a excellent on the spot bullshitter!


Well-Known Member
So I recently left the comfort of my home to my ex, joining the rental communities. Alot of risk assessment. I was able to find a landlord a 40 year old professional woman who gave me the "cum fuck me" vibe, and also wants me to do repairs and take off rent. She lives a good 30 minutes away, im paying rent weeks in advance and also inquired about the semi annual inspection which is a city ordinance, completed a few months ago. I changed the locks, only I have the key. Meters are all outside. Three locked doors between the girls and outside world, off the grid security alarm.

Now, where could I go wrong?

Obviously banging hers a mistake, so I wont... so I should be good, right? Just not use to having the concern. Even my ex doesnt know about my girls by the way. Also, this is only temporary, one year max!
Never let the ex know about the "girls"! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Well-Known Member
Never let the ex know about the "girls"! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I must salute you, pioneer. You have mastered the art of eliminating the ex completely in a fiery inferno. One less variable to worry about.


Active Member
If people ask me, I either say my Mrs is a beauty therapist and that is her tent for doing spray tans (don't go in there you will get shit high) or we keep reptiles and they need all the fans and lights to keep them good!


Active Member
I thought about the reptile thing. Saying I have iguanas. Attempting to repopulate due to the snake invasion or some bs... all in all, I think im good, because unlike many others, if I feel uncomfortable, ill ditch all my girls in the mulcher. No hesitation...

What I did think was quite off is that she never asked for id!

Not normal im guessing?


Well-Known Member
legal grow

if u can do hot peppers it will mess with dogs noses and u can do them as u do regular plants no worries about pollen or any of that

u are a guy that is something ppl would buy ............u are growing hot peppers for chilli contests and for yourself ( u needed a hobby and fire coming out the both ends sounded fun )

like the other guy said they have to post a 24 hour notice by law if u do not answer the door after that then they can enter and inspect this give u 10 to 12 hours to move those plants during the dead of night into a van shut the door make sure not one can see in it ....(uhaul truck put it in the back and park it in the shade someplace ) uhauls are always around somewhere a parked one should not be a big thing and for them to check on it would need to be the cops talking to uhaul with warrent or cause so all good (if they stink might think of adding something to kill it for a few hours .....rem u will need 2 hours of that back open for it to air out decent then u can return the truck )

your pepper story just clear out all the green and seeds ..........u have ordered Ghost Peppers
that is the info about it ......learn some of it to talk technical shit u would about growing weed to one of us but about those (this will explain the feeds and other tools/set ups u have for your op)
seeds from amazon so u know it 100% legal

and again it fucks with dogs noses in the way if they tried to force the dog to smell a area it grown in and had some pepper pop in the dog would be wrecked and the person would be arrested for assult on police u need to say it is ghost peppers (this stuff is hotter then what they use in pepper spray only india military is willing to use this stuff in pepper gas)


Well-Known Member
if the room is carpeted

order powdered ghost peppers and sprinkle it around the room

or around the house is will keep dogs out of the area it does the same thing it does to us they do not like it at all

again if the cops bring a dog in u must tell them ..........otherwise u are guilty of assult of a cop .....and again it is to keep dogs/animals out of my place i do not like them ever since xwife

every time u vacuum after u need to reapply it


Well-Known Member
So many lies so much deceit ...we wait with abated breath
lies lies and more lies
prove us wrong


Active Member
So your suggesting I just grow these naga jolikia. They will give a story, as well as interfere with k9. Even if there just growing it will work?

They dont have to be cracked open?


Active Member
Also, my friends grandma just passed. Her whole kitchen was hot red peppers! Imma get some decor (lights, posters, cups, ect) to set up in the room. Just in case. Lies always come out in the details! Details people!!! Play the part...

These being grown are effective in any mature stage of their life cycle? Implying to nasal senory obstruction?


Well-Known Member
some of them will pop open it is a plant u hit the wrong thing with a elbow the pepper gets crushed and drips to floor

just like when u mess with the plants now your hands stink for several hours and u are transferring all that around your place after growing long enough everything u own will set off dogs .........unless u are doing it naked and then scrub down shower when u are complete (personally i wil make the dogs bark like i have 5 lbs in the car) so u always need to know this carry legal amounts and if u do have to transport a large amount 2 cars 1 that is the cop blocker (they want to get pulled over for speeding or something so the cop is busy with them not u) a few miles down the road get off wait for the blocker to get back in place and go the rest of the way )

i know 3 things that fuck with dogs
these peppers or any really hot peppers
jasmine flowers/ scents

once u got a plant or 2 making peppers u should be more then good to go ...........they will not effect the weed at all ....the peppers might get some thc rubbed on it other then that they can both be in the same place at the same time

they have hotter peppers out there but the ghost pepper is the one u want to keep things away and to i dare u to eat this pepper

the best part if u are like me and set up a permit dry area u are all good u need a place to dry the peppers out so it is a excuse to cover your whole op


Well-Known Member
oh Milk not water

if u ever get this in your eyes or face MILK

it is a base it will counter the oils if u use water u are just spreading it ..........same thing goes if u eat and burns to much MILK

do not swallow it hold in mouth cool it off and u can spit or swallow it but holding in mouth is how to stop it if u drink u will puke from the amount of milk it takes

face bowl of milk and put face in it as long as can hold breath ..........otherwise u have to pour it down your face and will go tho a gallon or 2 like that