landlord issue, advice needed

If it were me I would tell her I would only be there a certain day and certain hours. I would stipulate that NOBODY is to enter my home without me being there and they can either do it during this window or not at all. Rent a small moving truck, load my plants and stuff in it, drive it to a safe place to park it til she does her thing, then bring the plants back.
If it were me I would tell her I would only be there a certain day and certain hours. I would stipulate that NOBODY is to enter my home without me being there and they can either do it during this window or not at all. Rent a small moving truck, load my plants and stuff in it, drive it to a safe place to park it til she does her thing, then bring the plants back.

yup that sounds good
2 o'clock and she's still not here yet. I wish I made my money by exploiting my capital instead of working so I could not worry about being on time for things. I usually have light on the flowering plants from 8:30-8:30, if i can't get these back up until 5 I should just keep the cycle the same and give them 3 or 4 hours of light today, yeah?
It depends on how many plants you have, if you can put your box in the corner or against the wall with some like you said blankets over it and if you have some of those large rubbermaid storage boxes put some of your clothes and other stuff in them and put them by your box. The key to camouflaging something in plain site is to surround it by like objects. If they ask about it you can just say you picked up some old stuff from storage and haven't sorted through it yet.

From what i know it flowers because of the level of hormones that build up during its night cycle which it takes 12 hours to reach, so a few more hours won't hurt it. But still turn the lights off the same time you have been and just continue the cycle you've been on.
will do. i'm actually pretty impressed with this camouflage i've created but i've been waiting all day for this asshole and she still isn't here or answering her phone. if she says, "oh, we're going to come tomorrow instead" i'm going to tell her to go fuck herself. either that or she can give me a key to her house and i'll give her a 48 hour window during which some stranger will stop by and poke around her shit for a while.
OK, well, here's the exciting conclusion: she didn't need to enter the apartment with the appraiser after all. Of course, I didn't find this out until 6 pm. So, happy ending, I guess. Happy pain in the ass ending.