Landrace Goldmine!

i googled it i guess the gene issue is not a health threat for the dog like normal steroids plus its a girl dog(wendy). so if a male had that gene abnormality it would probably be even bigger far out.
i googled it i guess the gene issue is not a health threat for the dog like normal steroids plus its a girl dog(wendy). so if a male had that gene abnormality it would probably be even bigger far out.

It's really funny the first time I saw Wendy I was tripping balls and she immediately became a running joke for me and the other guys who were tripping. So like three weeks later I'm working in the classroom with a 8 year old autistic boy and he runs up super excited, grabs my arm and pulls me to the computer monitor with, who else, steroid dog staring back at me. :bigjoint:

by the way, my most common handle is NOT pinkus ~ it started with Bike____ (my name) then became BikeDog (cuz of my obsesion w/bikes and dogs)~ switched to Trykedog (wayback when I got on line w/a 386 and modem) for being a tricycle on the info highway.

If I didn't have over 900 posts, I'd switch back, since I plan on continuing to grow, even if I have to move. It sucks having legitimate skills that can land you in prison. :wall:
yes its ridiculous. come to socal you can do your thing and more or less be left alone if you dont bother anyone else. yeah bikes and dogs good obsession to have dogs are the best by bikes i assume you mean motorcycles.
yes its ridiculous. come to socal you can do your thing and more or less be left alone if you dont bother anyone else. yeah bikes and dogs good obsession to have dogs are the best by bikes i assume you mean motorcycles.

nope. PPP~Pure Pedal Power:eyesmoke:
road/mountain/bmx/time trial/downhill other? you race at all? yeah im going to put in some miles today myself probably 40 to 60 depending on heat.
road/mountain/bmx/time trial/downhill other? you race at all? yeah im going to put in some miles today myself probably 40 to 60 depending on heat.

Never pro. I used to do lots of road and mountain. I used to live in Austin and did some training rides with LA back before he hit the big leagues...yes I'm that old :mrgreen: When I moved from Austin I sold all of my bikes but one, and it is an ancient 1st year aluminum trek retrofitted with the old school top mount sis shifter~ it's taken me from Tulum to Akumal in the Yuccatan several times And I even had to leave it in the jungle for a day when I broke a rear hub 12 miles in on an access road for power lines. Hint: never ride into the jungle without a shirt or sunscreen. :dunce:

I used to ride a Fixed in Austin and I only knew two others that were riding them. Now ALL the cool kids ride fixed in ATX~ things have changed I used to leave it outside the place I worked unlocked, just hoping to see someone try to ride away down the steep hill LOL~stupid fucking thieves

Still love the bike~clears my thinking every time.
right on i would do more mountain biking and some races but i have no sufficient mtb. i also want to get a cyclocross bike for commuting and bad weather plus racing no budget for that though. i race cat 3 on the road its hard competitively in socal so i dont no if i will upgrade. i normally train about 200 to 300 miles a week year round good for the mind good for the body.