Well-Known Member
I opted to get some larger 105 watt Cfl's instead of a bunch of smaller ones. Is anyone else going this route? My problem has been keeping them in close proximity to the plants. It's constant adjustment, but that how it goes with Cfl's anyway right? The large size of the 105 watt bulbs makes it harder positioning them in my space. They put out some heat too, so I have to make sure my plants dont touch them. On the upside they are super bright! Is anyone else going with larger wattage Cfl's instead of an army of smaller wattage CFl's. And of so what is your experience? I guess my biggest concern is they put out so much heat in my small area I can only get 3 bulbs in my space for 1800 lumens total or 315 actual cfl watts. If I squeeze in another bulb it will bump my temps up from 80 to 90!