large clone


ok about five days ago i posted a thread detailing my horrible account of breaking my 5 foot tall plant in half and not having the experience to know to just tape it back on, i decided not to give up on it after it was completely severed from the plant and proceeded to dip the large stem in rooting compound, plant and see what happens, after this long 5 days i noticed that the leaves and such which were drooping completely parallel with the stem have started to rise again, they are looking fairly shriveled but what i can only assume is due to the fact that i have been foliar feeding it has remained for the most part a nice dark green, i never really expected it to recover at all and know that by any means am not out of the woods yet but would love some suggestions, has anyone here ever tried to clone something this big before??

Col. kif

I routinely take clones that are 8-14" how big is she? Did you re-trim her with a razor just under a node before you dipped her? Have you trimmed and reduced the leaf surface area so she doesn't loose all moisture? Is she in a humidity dome, even a ghetto one?


i couldn't find the materials and am strapped for cash so no dome, i am completely inexperienced so i didnt do any trimming, i cut a little below a node and shaved off the hard outer stem to get to the soft green outer core or whatever it would be called, dipped her and put her in soil, she is about 1 and a half feet tall. to keep her moist ive been constantly misting her with both plain water and nutrient mixed water when she looked dry