Large fan leaves vs Small fan leaves


Well-Known Member
Well I fave noticed something about my plants and I have a few questions. I have noticed that there are two types of branches that that come of my main stem. The first are the larger fan leaves, they are a single branch with only one large fan leaf on the end of the branch. The second type has a series of smaller leaves with smaller branches, branching of the main branch.

I am having an issue at the moment with my larger fan leaves, they are yellowing and drying up. Is it normal for the larger fan leaves to die off? I am pretty sure they were the first leaves to appear.

Secondly if the larger fan leaves are covering the smaller leaves, should I cut the large fan leaves? If the large fan leaves are covering the smaller leaves with branches branching off (are these bud site?) will this be detrimental to the plants bud production?

So basically in a nut shell is it safe to cut large fan leaves or are they producing a lot of food for the plant?

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
dont remove any fan leaves UNLESS A(more than half the leaf is yellow if more than half the leaf is yellow prune it becuse the plant will use up valuble resorses to fix it.)
B(if u are in flowering it is okay to prune leaves that are blocking bud sites now i dont mean go cliping of every leaf that is in the way but u can clip 5 or 6 big fan leaves towards the top of the plant to get the light to the bottom of the plant.)hope that answers ur qustions


Well-Known Member
I agree leave the big fan leaves till they turn yellow or wither. I usually leave them till they fall off the plant. The fan leaves probably draw in the most light and feed energy to the intire stem they are attached too.


Well-Known Member
So wat your saying is its natural for big fn leaves to die off? My plants like 3 - 4 weeks veg... Normal?


Active Member
They assumed you were in flowering I believe. What setup you running? Nutes, lighting, medium etc. narrow down what is stressing the plant. I never honestly have any fan leaves die EVER in veg. I can't tell you what your exact issue is but something is happening the plant does not like. Good luck.