And the guy that said fans don't block light.
Leaves are not transparent. Yes I'm aware that fans should normally be left on and their not suckers etc.., but saying they don't block light would be ignorant.
If they don't block light then why does a 400 watt penetrate only 8 or so inches?
Why are bottoms buds airy and small?
Lack of light /shade.
I don't get where you're coming from, are you saying light does not penetrate through fan leaves? Your light is not being blocked by those fan leaves, it's being absorbed and turned into energy.
Calling fan leaves light blockers is a pretty ignorant statement and ignores the reasons plants grow them to begin with. "Sucker buds" are more a result of apical dominance than light intensity.
Can you prune and train to increase light penetration? Yes. Should you be chopping off fan leaves that lay over the top of a developing flower and saying its blocked from light and won't mature the same if you don't? I don't think so.
There are better ways to increase or manage light penetration than going through and cutting off the part of your plant that fuels the development of your flowers.
If the idea that lower bud sites were small because of light penetration was true, the lower branches on my current plant that have stretched and been trained to where they are nearly even with my tops should have equal bud production because they are receiving full light. They don't, they're just as airy as the lower buds "blocked" by light. That's because they're not the apical growth, not because they're not getting as much light as my tops.